I am lying on my bed and i am relaxing and getting ready to do a wild. Thanx to JJJ i have learned to focus on my 3ed eye. As i was doing this i became very relaxed and felt the same old itingle in my 3ed eye as i always do through out the day. any way as i relaxed my eyes and consentrated on the feeling my body went numb, sp. Then i felt two more tingles. One to teh left of my 3ed eye and one to teh right. I was confused and i found i could move them. They slid around on my forhead and i moved them over my 3ed eye. they moved together. As they moved over my 3ed eye they sorta joined and boom. A beam shot out of my 3ed eye and it had such force it pushed my head back into my pillow. i moved the little tingles away and the beam disapated i felt a strong force on my head and i moved the little tingles back and again teh beam. than it stopped and i opened my eyes felt emtremly tired and fell asleep.
i know i was not dreaming, i had been there 5 minutes. i didnt have full sp just the numbness but i could still fell my self if that makes sence.
Can any one tell me if they have had this before, or if they know what happened. Please
Your third eye became very active…combined with your focussing, that created your experience. Third eye is very good at Hyper focussing the mind and awareness…even energy.
Well ehm hehe depends all on your talent!
You have to find out for yourself where that line lays
For telepathy you need delta waves…u need to be real empty in your head.
All chakra’s become more active when you focus at them at lower brain waves.
So to use any chakra u need first learn how to relax deep!
From beta to alpha from aplha to theta from theta to delta.
Same for experiencing the chi flow…or kundalini.
About the 3ed eye, Am i doing it wrong? I cant keep it for more than a few seconds before it starts to hurt a little and gradually more. Both my eyes and my head.
I remember dreaming about 3rd eye charka (I have done it several time when I go to bed several times afterward). I looked in the mirror and I could see my 3rd eye charka very clearly. There were other two triangles on forehead just side of 3rd eye charka. I decided to see what happens if I pull them into my 3rd eye and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! I fainted and woke up. Apparently, my consciousness couldn’t handle it very well at first, but after I practiced it in my sleep (in non-REM trance), I’m pretty used to it. It is a good way to state your intention as well because when you focus on your 3rd eye charka, you get extra focused and your subconscious is more opened to your intentions.
Also, I suggest you to try Jeff’s method of laying your right hand on then left hand over on your plexus (sp? upper stomach). It will enhance your experience especially when you WILD.
I agree with crowe, using the method where you look at your third eye while you go to sleep hurts. It also like makes my eyelids spasm, and this pain and spasming makes it impossible to relax my body enough to fall asleep.
Try and relax first. Don’t concentrate on anything except on your breath. When you find yourself relaxed (your eyelids should be relaxed as well), you can begin concentrating on your 3rd eye chakra (don’t concentrate on it too much though). State your intention calmly and let yourself drift in your thoughts until it becomes empty. When your mind is empty, it’s excellent time to attempt WILD (especially to induce deeper trance).
Thanks DM7, I’ll try that. Is it best to do it straight to bed or with the WBTB method. Ive tried the later twice and it was a disaster. (mostly due to intense random itchiness)
For a beginner, it’s best to do WBTB then when you’re advanced, then you can try it on your first sleep.
Just worry about WBTB and then you’ll be fine. Random Itchness can be a signal that you’re falling into a deeper trance. I know it can be painful, but INGORE it. It will worth your attempt. Try it.
One time I was sleeping over at a friends house downstairs on the couch. I was looking up at the cieling i think, all of a sudden there was a huge bang and a ball of light flew from the opposite site of the room and crashed into the fireplace. What was that? Does this have anything to do with chakras etc…
Although I dont have anything usefull to add to the conversation, you make me realize just how much work I have to do to get to you level. So dont get discouraged and thanks for your inspiration