Hello, recently the last two weeks I have been having a normal dream during my sleep time which in some part I mention some weird things and I make a RC, making me realise that its a dream and I become lucid. The problem is that my lucidity is really low, I mean that I can’t do much things, not even fly. I try every method and none works, only some times the swimming one which is very slow and after some seconds I even fall and I cannot do it again, or cannot control dream characters or summon or anything and the dream becomes boring so I want to wake up, and when I try to wake up Im getting some false awakening which I recognize immediatly and I try to wake up again and I might get like 6-7 false awakenings in a row.
Im having this kind of dreams very often lately and I would like to know if there is a way to increase my lucidity so I can get more control of the dream? thanks
There’s an easy way to get a clearer, more controlled dream: demand it! If you need to scream out loud “More lucid, more, more, more!” or something like that, do it. It works wonders.
Beyond that, tell us about “every method”, when you say that none are working. I want to be sure that you’re not just trying to force your mindset to change once you’ve had the wrong expectation set in a dream, and that you’re actually trying multiple methods. The more you tell us, the more help we can give.
Every method I mean for example, to run fast and after jump or jump from a high spot or like swimming but none works, its just like im awake, I cannot do something more even though I know im dreaming and its getting boring. It happened me some times. And I also have a friend who happened to him pretty much the same to his first LD.
Next time jump from a mountain or a building, Oh before you do that don’t forget to do some reality checks. And before you do anything after becoming lucid do check yourself because it has happened to me many times, after becoming lucid I just want to rush to my LD goal and it does not works. So just check your surroundings, go through a mirror and just start small to reach to the top. After which you can do anything you want.
It also appears the high spot jump is not working for you, so just don’t try hard to fly and as I said before you do something big start with something small.
If you become lucid and you are in a dream scenario then move along it and use your imagination to edit it. Hope it helps
Whats most important is that you dont give up.
Anyone can do anything in an LD with enough patience, practice and determination
Dreams are a lot about what you expect.
Also, it’s much easier to control yourself instead of the dream environemt.
What I’m trying to accomplish now, is to talk to my dream environment, communicate with it, and get it to help me. Maybe you should try that too.
The only way to improve lucidity is to really FOCUS and UNDERSTAND that the world is completely YOURS. That’s where the highest layers of lucidity set in. You just have to make it work.
I cannot do something more even though I know im dreaming and its getting boring. It happened me some times. And I also have a friend who happened to him pretty much the same to his first LD.
[color=olive]Be inspired to do it, focus, execute, and never give up.
A little motivation:
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Forget can’t. Can’t isnt no longer a word in your vocabulary. You can and will (insert lucid activity) no excuses, you’ll find a way. Get that in your head, write it on the walls, and succeed. Last but not least do not give up on it.