very vivid, but was it

i had a very long and very vivid LD 2 nights ago but just one thing. wheni was in it i couldnt belive how vivid and realistic it was but then when i woke up it seemed very unvivid/unreal. has anyone ever experianced a lucid dream as(not nearly as) but as vivid as RL?

Aslo i usualy feel somewhat depressed the next day after having an LD i dont know why but i just do. any thoughts?

I’ve had FA’s in which I performed several RC’s. I kept doing RC’s, -wasting my time-, because it looked more real then real. Extreme vividnes =|!

And that feeling depressed thingy, never experienced it, more like euphoria for a day after I experience LD.

I’d have to agree with Fadem, I generally have LDs as real as real, and some more than that. I’ve never had that depression after an LD either, but maybe you experience it because you feel you don’t use your LDs to their full potential? I wouldn’t know, but that’s my only thought.

the depression is probably because i realise evrything in my lucid dream wasnt real and has gone forever, well it was good while it lasted

Well, it’s real as long as it lasts. So, enjoy the fact that it did happen, not the fact that it isn’t happening anymore. :content:

I havnt realy experance very vivid LDs, but I have had very vivid NDs. I havnt had depression, because of a LD, because I know that if I keep up the work more will come. So no need to feel depressed. Let LDs feel you with hope for future LDs.

I normally don’t have so vivid LD, but once I had it. The sun, the sky and the houses seemed so real, but I didn’t have to do any RCs to know it was a dream (I was flying anyway when I become lucid).
Why depression?? LDs are real. If they weren’t you (and everybody else) wouldn’t have them. Just think of this as a very interestnig experience wich you can do over and over again.