Sometimes when I’m trying to fall asleep it feels like my eyes are having a seizure or something… they don’t move around, but it feels like they are kind of moving a few millimeters in and out of my skull rapidly… hard to explain… but it doesn’t hurt, it just feels kind of weird.
After reading that paragraph again, I realize it seems like I’m crazy or something, but it’s a lot milder than that paragraph implies… Agh I can’t explain it at all!! Hehe.
Same here. My eyes feel like they are vibrating and they start watering, sometimes. It’s kind of cool. The part that isn’t cool is the fact that sometimes, when my eyes start “vibrating”, my leg or arm might all of a sudden twitch and bang into something.
I think that once u get “proper” vibrations you will not mistake them for anything else.Its not a little feeling- in my case its like thick electric fog going through my body giving me a feeling of power,might.
But i must say it was allways sudden for me so i dont know ,maybe it has some early stages.
good luck:)
I cant help you out here:(
In my case it was allways unintentionall.Somehow it happened i dont know why or because of what-all i was doing was my normal ld routine which is MILD mostly and some rcs.I wish i knew the way to induce them myself cuz every time i had them i ended up in an ld
take care
like jack says, you’ll know when you get the right ones.
what I do to get them is do a wake back to bed (wbtb), wake at 4 am for example, stay up until my mind is focused, then wild. If you keep conscious long enough after your body’s asleep, you’ll catch them.
The vibrations are simply the harbingers of REM paraylisis. They can be quite intense though. The best thing to do when you get the vibrations is simply try to roll out of your body. When you do you are in a Lucid Dream. Enjoy!
If you don’t know what is going on the ‘buzzing’ or ‘vibrations’ can be quite unsettling (at least to me).
The first time it happened to me I sat up swatting at the air in front of my face, thinking there was some huge insect buzzing around me. This happened way before I ever heard of lucid dreaming or OOBEs.
The second time, I didn’t panic because I had done enough research to read of others accounts on what this sound or feeling meant, and how it is a normal part of falling asleep each night. It got louder and louder, and i just layed there not moving, and it faded away. I had the most novice OOBE you could have, banging into the walls of my bedroom and ceiling, not in any type of control whatsoever.
LM is right though. These ‘vibrations’ occur every night right when you are just falling alseep. It’s just a matter of being concious enough of it that you ‘hear’ it or ‘feel’ it when it starts to happen.
My problem is every time this happens I have an OOBE instead of a lucid dream. Some think they are the same thing but to me they are much different. Banging off the walls of a dark bedroom isn’t as fun as flying in a dream.
LM, any tips on how to go from this vibration into a dream instead of an OOBE? Everytime I try, I feel myself leaving my body and I don’t really like that feeling. The few LDs I’ve had have been awesome experiences while the OOBEs aren’t as ‘controlled’ or meaningful.
What I would recommend is that you stay focused on the HI intensley even as the vibrations happen. Eventually they will stop and the imagery will become dreamland and you can enter it. ALso if you find yoursel Out-Of-Body think of it as a lucid dream and tell yourself you can fly through walls and such, then you can leave your house. Because when you are floating over you’re bed it is actually a very intense vivid dream. I say this because while Out-Of-Body one time I went and blew out a candle and unplugged a cord and when I woke up the candle was melted down and the cord was still in.
Great tip about the HI LM. Thanks. I tend to forget the basics sometimes I guess, but now that you mentioned it I will try to remember to concentrate on that next time.
The thing about my OOBEs is that my bedroom and the surrounding scene is ALWAYS consistent with the current conditions. For instance, if I fall asleep at night, then when I’m bumping off the walls and ceiling it is dark, just like the night-time, whereas in a dream it can be night, day, winter, summer…whatever. If OOBEs were really ‘dreams’ wouldn’t the ‘dreamscape’ of the OOBE be as varied as my dreams themselves?
Another thing is, normally, if I was dreaming of bumping into the walls of my DARK bedroom, I would be scared. I tend to have lots of nightmares (which is one of the reasons I tried lucid dreaming to begin with) but when I have these wall-bumping ‘dreams,’ I never really feel emotions of fear or confusion. It’s just this haphazard meaningless bumping into the walls, which is rather subjectless. My dreams always have a theme running through them, whether an undercurrent of fear or joy. I don’t feel these emotions during these OOBEs, which if really just dreams, is unusual for me.
My reason for thinking that it isn’t an OBE is this. I induced an OBE one time and then did a few things like unplugging a cord and turing on a light and such. I also did a RC and it showed I was dreaming. When I woke up the cord was still plugged in.
It is a part of sleep paralysis.Tho it has more features than just vibes…can get paralized feeling,see images,hear voices…nothing really scary if you think about it.You`re quite safe there tho it might lsometimes feel different:)
These feelings are nothing to fear because they are just the hallucinionations of your body falling asleep. You normaly don’t feel them because you have already fallen unconsious