Vibrations within the dream?

I sometimes experience vibrations similar to the ones during OBE-exists but I do it in the dream. Both lucid and non-lucid. Often, but not always, when I’m flying. And it’s not always when I fly that I experience the vibrations. It is very pleasant. Have anyone experienced this too?

Do you mean that you are vibrating, you as being your dream body or is your whole dream vibrating?

I have no idea what it could be, might be anything maybe. I’ve experienced a whole dream including me vibrating because of the music that was playing in my LD, other than that haven’t experienced it…

I just feel my entire body vibrate. The environment isn’t affected. It’s similar to shivering.

No I haven’t experienced this… just curious as to why one might want to have vibrations in an LD…

I hate vibrations during WILD and other attempts and especially shivering IRL :razz: . Would you say this is something different?

I haven’t experienced vibrations during WILD. But I have experienced the vibrations during an OBE exit and that is what this is most similar too. I’ve even had FA’s with OBE exits where I get these vibrations. They are not exactly the same. Shivering was just the best thing I could come up with to explain it to someone who hasn’t experienced it. These vibrations are very pleasant as I said.