dont know if this topic has been made or not (search wasnt working)
ok so
im thinking of going to a memory i had. lets say a year ago. and ‘re experience’ it. you know see it in the perfect detail and such. idk
let me know if anybody has ever done this or if you want to do it with me.
that’s a really good idea. I haven’t tried that yet- i’ve tried remembering what happened in a previous dream while lucid but not a memory. I’ll put that on my list
hey i really like this idea ive been giving this a lot of thought latey and hers some things i’ve came up with well i havent tried any of these but heres some ideas: like okay after becoming lucid . im thinking go to a room where there is a tv and look for a channel that has memories and maybe think of a certain date in your life. now im thinking in the ld you will be able to watfch what happened at that time . like go back to some random day like april 4 1998 and see if you can watch it on the tv in first person. im really interesting in doing this shoot some other ideas back to me. ive been having some lds last couple of days which is great cuz i havent had any for at least a couple of years but i’m gonna try this i like this idea
Sounds like a great idea, transporting yourself can be quite a tricky dream power to overcome. That plus recalling a memory would be quite hard, at least I think so - the TV is a great idea!
When I want to transport or make something apear/dissapear I shut my eyes, imagine it, spin around and hopefully tada, it’s there…or I’m there
I’m gonna try this…hopefully in a hour from now, it’s 6 a clock and I am awake to go back to sleep soon and dream
This seems interesting, and the best thing is that is possible, all we see,hear, smell etc. Is
‘recorded’ within our soul/mind so there is not such thing as forgetting something forever. So…
I often see my memories in NDs, mostly stuff from when I was four or five, sometimes I even view them in third person, but I have never tried to view them in an LD. I will have to give the TV thing a try. I hope you meet with success on your attempt, Cc!
I’ve never tried this myself, but I have heard many stories about this. Your subconscious doesn’t forget anything. Do you believe in reincarnation? People claim to have seen memories of them in past lives.