Hi, I’m new to this forum. I stumbled across it when searching for more info on VILD. I tried it last night but I found that i could not fall asleep while visualizing the dream for over an hour, even though i was incredibly tired, so I had a few questions for pedro or anyone else experienced with this.
When you visualize the dream do you also visualize what the people say in the scenario or just the actions? I must have been paying too much attention to the scenario or something because when i finally gave up I fell asleep within 5 minutes. Any tips? Also i seem sort of skeptical about the nose reality checks because I have never tried them before, do they work for most? Thank you.
I think you have to visualize what people say, and all the actions.
About the nose checks: I’ve heard that the cover up one eye and you can’t see your nose thing doesn’t work too well, but the breathing thing works great. With the reality checks, you can pretty much use anyones you want, whatever’s comfortable.
Have you even LD’ed? If not, try different techniques and do RC all the time.
About VILD I can’t say too much, try visualising some objects in a simple scenario and yourself interacting with these, and when the visualization becames stable, try to clear the dream, rubbing hands, moving around, FEELING your actions.
Imagine what your feelings would be there and then experience them… next step would be make it real, maybe creating a portal between visualizations and lucid dream… I’m not a VILD expert after all but I have a friend that is good at that and I guided him sometimes to some VILD experiences
And overall: practise, practise, and do RC!
A method of energy development that has much to do with lucid dreaming, that is working very well for me is N.E.W Energy Ways
I have had around ten or so lucid dreams, half from just realizing it and the other from reality checking, I reality check all the time.
I use VILD to chose what scenery I want in my dream or what I want to dream about. But, lol I never used it to get an lucid dream. Try repeating: “I am dreaming” over and over… then if you hear that in your dream, you will then in your dream become suspicious that you are dreaming.
I don’t really know that much about VILD. It is one technique I have not tried. I do practice WILD and I am not sure but, I think there might be some parallels between WILD and VILD. If that is true than your problem might be that you are staying to much awake. Visualize the dream then once you have a good picture of it in your head until you can see the images clearly maybe try and take a back seat like you are watching a move (if it is anything like watching HI with WILD) try and stay kind of detached from it and allow yourself to be pulled into the dream.
Don’t know if this helps you at all. Honestly I don’t even know if I am right.
Like I said I don’t practice VILD and never have. I do practice WILD and if the two are as close as I am thinking they are. Just keep in mind that if you stay to conscious you will keep yourself awake. Try and take a more passive role with your visualization.
Hopefully someone who knows more about VILD can help you more.
Happy Dreaming
The Lucidity Institute Forum is discussing VILD, perhaps some people from this forum would like to contribute… (I’m not a member of that forum, but perhaps someone here is. If you’re not a member, your access is read only…)
There hasn’t been a post on that thread since the 29th of February, and besides, they were mainly arguing on whether VILD works, why it works, and whether Pedro is telling the truth.
Well it looks like nobody knows much about VILD so maybe you should try a different method.
If I find more info on it I let you know.
Ive gotten VILD to work for normal dream, but not lucid dream. Like, one time I visulized my room, and I ended up having a party in my house!, but I was not lucid. One time I just thought and thought about this one chick and twice over the dream was about her.
Maybe you could use the VILD method to create a dream sign for your self.
Nobody should be offended. I read the thread too.
They were analysing as a method. Obviously anyone who has not seen Pedro do VILD, in a scientific and clinical environment, may have their doubts on how successful VILD is and whether Pedro’s account was completely true.
I mean it is easy to write something on a forum, and how do we know what anyone writes, whether it is correct or not? The answer is: we have to duplicate it ourselves. For example use the method and get LD’s.
I myself think VILD to be a method which can work but not for everyone.
If you can incubate a dream then it might work.
About the thread again, as I said earlier perhaps somebody here would like to contribute to it. Especially anyone who got LD’s using VILD. I haven’t read of anyone yet on this forum except Ashvura perhaps (but Ashvura wrote that it was not entirely with VILD). People have tried but it hasn’t worked. This may be because of problems to visualise or to incubate.
Also they pointed out that the nose reality check method won’t work. It is likely that your dream nose resembles your real nose. So in that case the
test will fail. This so called ‘test’ is more likely to be a dreamsign than a reality check actually. Don’t depend on your dream ‘nose’ but do another check to be sure.
Wow, I didn’t realize that forum existed. The people seem to be intelligent, but the forum design is so sub-divided that it makes navigation a little awkward, IMHO.
Yes I looked at that forum long before I(thankfully) found this one. There is some good info and good people on it but it is awkward to navigate and is also not very active (probably because you have to pay to use it). At least it wasn’t when I was reading it.
Ld4all is way better.