Pedro, I have a question for you concerning your VILD technique. When you are visualizing your friends asking you to do a RC, do you visualize that you actually do the RC. If yes, how do you visualize your results (i.e. Can you see your nose and can you breathe?).
I apologise, you are the second person to ask this. I doubt I will ever be in a room with those two friends and they ask me to RC in RL… So I know that this situation will only be happening in my dream (they know nothing of LDing…thats why ) so i just assumed everyone would know what I meant…
I visualize myself doing the checks and realizing that I’m in a dream…I then thank my friends and head for the door of the room. When I reach the door I start again… That’s about it!
Pedro, What I don’t understand is that it takes a certain amount of rational reasoning to say to one’s self in a dream that I will do an RC to see if I am dreaming. This reasoning would mean that one is able to think in the situation while they are in a dream, but more often than not the average person has no idea at all that they may be dreaming so they would be unable or oblivious to reason to an RC. Another grain of sand in the ointment to me is that intense concentration (in my case), usually results in mental exhaustion causing me to sort of unconsciously let go and at that point my mind does as it wills. And if I concentrate too intensely I can’t fall asleep at all. Is this a problem others have too? Or am I doing it all wrong?
OK I think I might have got that all wrong…I’m not sure I follow. So if I’m talking rubbish just tell me to shut up and I’ll start again!
It sounded like…it’s difficult to say your in a dream and that I will RC. Well if this is what you mean then I don’t think you understand VILD properly. The idea is my incubated dream scene is all about 2 friends asking me to RC. So it doesn’t matter if I think I’m dreaming or awake at the time…I RC and discover the truth! It’s worked 100% so far so I must be doing something right. I don’t get exhausted but maybe I’m different… You don’t need to concentrate very hard… You can do it gently but just make sure that it’s only the dream scene you think about and nothing else. Not totally intense thinking…just make sure nothing else jumps into your head! If it does then banish it!
I get what you are saying, im pretty sure, pedro. You are not in control of your dream while you do the reality check, thats why you have to incubate that situation. Then after you do the reality check you just realize you are dreaming then become lucid. But certain reality checks dont work for some people, I have turned on lights a few times and they worked then did not become lucid. Find one that works for you. Anyways, I think that was just alittle confusion over if or if not you are in metal control while you do the reality check that dertermines that you are dreaming.
Cool. Well I know RC’s don’t always work for everyone but that’s why I always have a back-up RC! Chances are the RC will work if you incubate a dream where you do one which worked! If it doesn’t then unlucky…perhaps you might do another RC later in the dream which works…
Well, even if RC don’t work for you, you could (in theory, cos I haven’t actually VILD), just have someone say, ‘yo yo yo, you iz dreaming, yo!’ and as long as picture yourself realising that you are dreaming, you’d become lucid.
I wonder what la berge and his scientific team would make of VILD. It is defiently worth research. Is it worth submiting to the Lucidity Institute, this VILD method could becoming quite popular. Or I recon so.
There are a lot of people here who keep dissing VILD but
A) I’ve tried other methods and they are all good… but none of the others gave me 100% success LDing!
B) LOADS of people have PM or emailed me telling me that they used VILD and it was a success! And some others who it didn’t work for directly but it still helped them become lucid.
Recently I was contacted by someone who is a member at the Lucidity Institute and they wanted to put VILD over there. So it should now be doing the rounds at the intitute lol. I do a lot of research myself but it’s not on VILD itself…I just use VILD. I’'m trying to do as many experiments with my lucid time as possible coz I run out of fun things to do besides write new songs for my band.
By doing that there is a good chance you’ll get lucid…but not 100% chance. If someone came over to you at some point during the day and said “yo yo, your dreaming” would you automatiaclly jump up in the air and fly coz u know ur lucid? Nope. By making DC’s tell you to RC you are able to find out for yourself that you are lucid! Good chance that it would usually work tho if you were gonna try it…
VILD is making the rounds at The Lucidity Institute forum and most of the main people have been discussing it. Most people think the idea is sound and many are preparing to try it. A few people, well at least one, is very skeptical about such amazing results. (Good science requires carefully prepared evidence to back up amazing results, so please don’t be offended by this Pedro.) Everyone is hoping that Pedro joins the discussion so we can dissect VILD and if it works for other people understand why. If we can find a way to make VILD work for more people, it will be a revolution in lucid dreaming.
I would like to try VILD myself, but I have a number of problems.
My bedroom layout. There’s no way to lay in bed, read then turn the light out with out getting out of bed.
I have lots of trouble getting to sleep. I could read till one in the morning, and it’ll still take me a fair bit of time (about an hour) to get to sleep…
I can’t relax in bed. I always end up having to move, or having a really annoying itch .
I’ve never actualy successfully used a RC, so I’m not entirely sure what it ‘feels’ like to be able to breath through a blocked nose.
Mind model is good knowledge to have. Being lucid requires awareness…so all of us are striving to be aware of the world around us. Well, understanding that we use a mind model is one way of looking at the world around us. I’ve found that thinking about the mind model can be very good practice! Say everytime you RC you can stop and think about how you are experiencing the world around you. This means you are becoming more aware of how you are interacting with the world…this has improved my awareness in my dreams directly… And someitmes I’m in a dream when I stop to think about the mind model and it makes me realize more than ever that my body is in bed and it can make me more lucid than I was. Fully lucid. Even if it was useless to LDing…it’s still good knowledge
Hey Pedro, your technique sounds fantastic. Would you recommend this sort of thing for people relatively new to lucid dreaming, because that category would definitely include me!
I don’t really think any methods are different depending how long u’v been trying… You do need to have good visualization skills to use VILD the way it is described.
The only things you should really try at first is constantly doing RC’s all day every day. Do them as often as possible and make it a habit! Don’t just do an RC…really imagine that you could be dreaming right now…so look for as much evidence through RC’s as possible to prove if you are awake or not. Keep up as many RC’s as possible and think about LDing when you are in bed…these are the best things to do if your only starting out. And keep a dream journal of course! I assume you’ve started that to improve your dream recall? HAVE FUN AND KEEP UP THE RC’S!