Have you ever committed an act of violence in your lucid dreams? Ever intentionally killed, raped, tortured just because you knew you could? If you have, how did you react to it after waking up? Felt guilty, bad about yourself, maybe disgusted?
I have tried to kill just for the fun of it in my LD’s. I’m not a violent person in real life and would never harm anybody unless I really had to, but sometimes in LD’s I just feel nothing and act like a psychopath even if I’m fully aware of my actions. Go figure.
Well I won’t be politically correct here. Yes, I committed violence! Some weeks ago I was chased in a nightmare by a group of evil people. Suddenly I stood on a balcony and I simply threw them one by one over the railing. When I was doing this I thought “hmm, I don’t think this is legal” but then I reached low-level lucidity and since I knew it was “just a dream” I started to enjoy the act of revenge . Then I jumped from the railing and did a short flight (reached high-lucidity), then woke up.
I did an experiment of will power in a LD where I kicked a baby as hard as I could. I felt really guilty afterwards. apart from that, I’ve only ever attacked people in a dream when its associated with videogames aka playing UT deathmatch, but we’re in it and having fun.
I think it’s perfectly normal for a non-violent person to try rape, murder, etc. in lucid dreams.
The whole point of lucid dreams is to experience things you would never be able to in waking life. Why not slowly kill your boss while having sex with his wife? j.k
ahhahahha, thats pretty much all i do in my dreams. But i’m pretty f*cked in the head in real life so that probably explains it. In my lucid dreams I do things like that on purpose, but in my normal dreams I’m always fighting for some reason.
acting violent in my ld’s was one of my pre-ordained experiments. theres nothing wrong with it. its a fun way of venting anger and is no more harmful than punching a punching bag when mad.
Yes, I have committed acts of violence in lucid dreams and was fully aware that I was doing them. I have punched, kicked, been sexually “aggressive” (can a woman rape a man… well, there’s a whole other topic!)
Come to think about it… in the few violent NON-lucid dreams that I can remember… I was always the victim, never the perpetrator (maybe that’s why I feel strong or powerful when I commit violent acts in a lucid dream).
As for feeling guilty upon waking… I don’t. I know that what was done in my lucid dream was not something that I would ever do in my waking life.
In the dream that became my first LD there were lots of people in my house, and many of them weren’t invited so when I got lucid (only dimly and there wasn’t the strong feeling of exitement which usually wakes me up) I beat up a boy who seemed a few years younger than me because he was doing something whcih was annoying me. I can’t remember what he did to provoke me but he did it in my house and my lucidity was only good enough that I knew my actions had no consequences.
So I hit him repeatedly and was pusing him out of the window (ground floor ) when I started to feel bad about it. Then his friends told me to leave him alone, and that someone in his family had recently died. I felt really bad then, so I had lost lucidity, and the dream changed.
In a non-lucid dream, i’ve once did acts of violence that made me feel guilty the rest of the day… I tried saying to myself “it was only a dream”, but i still had the guilty feeling.
I had not killed anyone in a dream, until a week or so ago. In this dream, I was being chased down a train by a guy with a knife. He managed to stab me in the knee (it really hurt), but then the dream became semi-controlled and I shot him. Although it was not an ld at this stage, I deliberately ‘turned down’ the amount of pain which I was feeling in my knee at this point and was deciding my fate when I woke up.
Like Clairity, I am usually the victim in my dreams; but I have never done any violent acts for the sake of it.
well have not had any lucid dreams yet. just two. In RD’s I have been shot and stabbed. The stabbing is not pleasent and is very painful. I have shot many people. And have been in many UT CTF (unreal tournament capture the flag) dream enviornments where there is alot of combat going on around me.
but if I did go lucid and there was someone there I didnt like im sure sonner or later I would try something. like killing them, I guess.
It seems that everyone does it in one form or another while dreaming.
i too am usally the victim in my dreams i usally die by being shot many time over (how the heck a gun could hold that many bullets is beyond me) but since ive started atempting lding my dreams have been happier. once in my secong ld (low lucidty) i tranformed my self in to vegeta from dragon ball z (very strong person) and shot a energy blast at this city but before i saw the effects i woke up but i gussed what would hav happened and didnt feel guilty even though i hate hurting people
I have never really had a fight in real life and i haven’t in dreams either (lucid or non-lucid)
But in my last two non-lucid dreams the theme was stealing things.
I stole something in the first one and my fried stole domething in the second, even though i could have as well.
Well, as I used Calea Z. once I had a very VIVID dream in which I was fighting in school ( well, I don’t know how much you know about the massakre of an 19-year old guy at school in Germany which happened a few weeks ago. His hobby was playing CS. [May the victims rest in peace, btw] ) Well I was doing every kind of fighting I know, for example Kung-Fu (I never did that IRL), some Ninja-like activities and normal shooting weapon stuff. This dream was very cruel and I normally don’t hurt anybody. All in one this dream was a mix of some movies (The Mummy, The Matrix, Tomb Raider) and things in Real-Life like the massaker. The only good thing about this dream was, that it was VERY, very vivid. But the killing part always makes me sad while thinking of this dream
Once I had this dream (non lucid) where i was a Tank force commander and I was attacking a large city. It was cool because i must of had over 50 tanks…yet i could both see and control them (like an RTS). In the end i ordered the city to be nuked and a large missile flew down from the sky and wiped the city away…pretty cool.