I’ve noticed that lately in my occasional lucids some weird thing happens with my vision and balance. Only seconds after becoming lucid and beginning to walk to wherever, I begin to struggle keeping my balance, often stumbling about, and my vision becomes a bit distorted. It’s almost as if I’m cross-eyed, and it feels as if the whole dream scape becomes slanted, being that no matter how much i try i cant seem to regain balance or see/walk normally. In my most recent lucid i took off my glasses (which i had on from the start for some reason) and it did help, but not actually fix the issue. I never actually expect anything like this to happen either, it sort of just happens.
Does anyone have this happen, and if so, are there any suggestions as to remedy it?
I have had the exact same experience! Especially with the balance. Sometimes I feel extremely dizzy upon becoming lucid. I’ve found that what works for me is to anchor myself in the dream, usually by using my senses as much as possible. For example, in one dream I sniffed the air and licked a wall to root myself in the dream, which helped get rid of the dizziness.
I haven’t found a good way to get rid of the distorted vision. My vision is generally foggy in most of my lucid dreams. It’s probably just a matter of practice.
hmm thats a good idea i suppose, and ill try that to see if it works. i remember in my most recent lucid though i wasnt feeling dizzy at all D: i had a good level of lucidity really, my head felt clear and the quality of my vision was good. Still experienced weird things with my vision obviously, but no fogginess at all. I find that odd, but i will try rooting myself in some way i guess. worth a shot i suppose
I had a simalar experience in a ND once. The only difference was that it was a lot more severe (gravity was also distorted, I couldn’t get up; I was just a lump on the ground).
I was trying to catch my little sister’s falling lizard, but I couldn’t because everything was all distorted. I felt trapped.
I remember something like this from Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. If my memory is correct, if your vision and balance is distorted then I think it means that your dream is fading and your close to waking up. Do you ever wake up shortly after this expirience?
Actually i have woken up sometimes after having this happen. Not sure how much itd be different considering that blinking was what really woke me up in my last lucid. Would rooting myself more help fix this if it were to happen again in a lucid dream?
Yeah, I have definitely had this happen quit a few times. And yes, I agree that rooting yourself is the way to go. Because the last time this happened to me, I thought it meant that the dream was fading so I rubbed my hands together, and then looked at them, and then touched a few things in the dream and it made it stable again. What I’ve noticed is that the more interactions you’re having with the dream the more stable and vivid it is. So it takes focusing to keep your balance and clear vision.
Sounds to me like your LDs are just not very stable. You might want to practice stability - rubbing your hands together, feeling things, smelling things, just immerse yourself in the environment.
On another note, I’ve had something similar in an ND that I had, where I was trying to climb some stairs (without the railings on them, and I’m afraid of heights), but my sight was all messed up and I couldn’t quite walk straight. xD