Vision fading to black.

When I was child I often would find myself stuck in a dark zone that was between asleep and wakefulness. I would have to shake myself out of sleep to wake up. Eventually as I got older I started having dreams where I would be aware that I was dreaming. I often would get scared in this state and wake myself up. In the last couple of years I heard about lucid dreaming and how its possible to control your dream when you are aware. I started getting more adventurous and I’m now always able to fly in my dreams. My only problem now is that whenever I try to be more adventurous my dream starts to fade to black and I get stuck in that dark zone again just like when I was a kid. Has this happened to anyone else while lucid dreaming? If so do you know of anyway to prevent it from happening?

I think I’ve experienced something similar. It doesn’t really happen to me now, but I recall different incidents in which my vision would often fade and it would feel like my eyes were closing, and that if I tried to resist, that I feared I would wake up. It often felt like an intermediate state. I felt that I was no longer in the dream, but I was floating and sometimes moving in the darkness so I wasn’t awake yet either. When it used to happen, usually I’d end up waking anyway, but it could take me a minute or two.

Once, in an NLD, I decided to float in some fog and see where I ended up. After a while, I found myself in the black transition phase as I considered it. I stayed still and just waited, because I could feel that opening my eyes or moving would wake myself up. After waiting a few minutes, I flew into a dream, lucid. Lately, even though I don’t really run into this anymore, I’ve been trying to close my eyes in dreams if I want to go somewhere different. Even if I don’t end up staying in the dream, I usually go into an FA.

I guess for me it just went away after time. It’s almost like I grew out of it. However, I myself would be trying to use it to go into a different dream or to DEILD, now that I know more ways to induce LDs and more things to do with them. I feel that since that blackness you end up floating in is sort of a “transition” that could go either way (though it usually woke me up), it could be used to go back into a dream. Actually, I may have used to try that when I was younger. I’m not sure.

I don’t really know of any way to prevent it… You could shout something in your dream to give your vision back or such when you notice it starting to fade, but I always found it very hard to resist. Nowadays I don’t have as many vision problems as I used to.

Well, that’s about all I can think of to say. Hope this helps! :content: