Okay, in the previous two or so months, I’ve actually had a couple LDs. In these dreams, I tried to use a couple of the techniques that are supposed to make the dreams clearer, specifically focusing on your hands and/or spinning in circles. But there is something that happened in both of them that kept these techniques from working. In both of the two dreams, I had a vision problem, corresponding to the technique I tried to use. I’ll recount both of the dreams.
Dream one:
I don’t remember much of this dream, just a short time before and after I became lucid. I was in the stairwell in my house at night. The light in the stairwell was off, but the light at the top of it was on. I remember the darkness feeling very creepy. Anyways, I was heading up the stairs. I was near the top when I became lucid, for no apparent reason at all. I remembered that you can focus on your hands to make the dream clearer, so I made a motion to do so. That’s when I noticed that my hands appeared distorted, like when you look at them in a fun house mirror. For some reason, at that point I started to head downstairs, still trying to focus on my hands. I started to feel my lucidity slipping. I don’t remember what happened after that, either I lost lucidity or I woke up.
Dream two:
Again, I don’t remember much of this dream before I became lucid. I was in the bed of a truck, heading down a familiar road. For some reason I could see over the top of the truck. As the truck went over a small hill, another truck came into view. It was much bigger than the one I was in, and as I realized with a sickening jolt, it was going to collide with us.
I remember looking into the cab at the driver, and I realized that he was making no effort to move out of the way, just driving along like everything was perfectly normal. I knew that people don’t do things like that, and that’s when I went lucid. I kept saying to myself, “It’s a dream, the truck can’t hurt us.” The “us” was me and the person that was driving the truck I was in-- I couldn’t see into the cab. What happened then was what you might expect it to look like to go through the oncoming truck. When it passed, I looked back and it was gone. Right away, I hopped out of the truck (While it was moving ). I remember thinking about how unclear the dream was. I decided to try to fix it. I started to focus on my hands, but stopped myself as I remembered that this hadn’t worked in the last dream. (The frustrating irony was that this could have worked, my hands were perfectly clear in that dream.
) I decided instead to spin around this time. This is where the second problem came in-- I could feel myself spinning, but my vision stayed in one place!
I stopped spinning to try and think of what to do, and then I woke up. I was slightly miffed when I realized that I had been woken up by a noise upstairs.
So… Any theories as to why this has been happening, suggestions on solutions, questions, comments, anything of the like would be appreciated. Any takers?