vision problems in WILDs

I’ve been having problems with my vision in WILDs, and they’re getting really frustrating, since I can’t really do anything when that happens. What happens is that in the dream I feel that my eyes are very heavy, and I have enormous trouble to open them, and sometimes need to keep them open with my fingers, and my vision is very blurry. any idea what causes this, or how to get rid of it?

Do you also wake up when you can’t keep your eyes open anymore?
If so I have the same thing and it’s probably because you’re too close to waking up. And it’s really frustrating to get it, but I don’t know if there’s anything that you can do about it. The next time I get it I will try rubbing my hands or spinning to see if that helps me stay in the dream. Because the last time I had it I woke up in a FA after the LD.

Sometimes it causes me to wake up, other times, I slip into a false awakening. I noticed that if I go into a FA and get lucid again, then the problem goes away, but it’s risky, since there’s more chance of me waking up than slipping into a FA. When it first happened, I tried to stay in the dream, and it went away, but it’s getting worse, and in my last WILD I could only keep one eye open (with great difficulty), and I was seeing blurry with it, and I woke up shortly after.