Visions in dreams?

In my dream, I found a packet of candy I was searching for a week in my pantry. I then woke up and looked there, and it was there.

I also had a dream that one of my dad’s relatives passed away and they got a phone call. Next night- my dad got a phone call his brother passed away.

This also happened when I was 5 my whole family had a dream my guinea pig died in some way and that week he died.

Am I having like psychic dreams?

Moved from Quest for Lucidity :mattias:

From my opinion I can say NO and YES. It’s really how YOU feel about this. If you see huge similarities with dreams and physical reality then you can make a conclusion as if those are only vague similarities…

There is no reason for you not to trust yourself. Like I said, we can only make assumptions, especially those who never experienced something like this…

Hello there,

Sometimes when it is not going well with someone and you fear he or she will die, you will dream about it. Also maybe unconsciously you realised your guinea pig was not behaving itself and dreamed something would happen with it.

For missing items, you unconsciously know where you left it even though you do not directly remember, and in your dream you remember different things than awake and thus remember where you left the candy.

Well that is my opinion on the matter, since I also had a few pets of which I had dreams they died, and sometimes I was right. It’s the bond with the animal that causes the dreams when concerned. Though that does not mean everything will truly happen from your dreams, but in a lifetime you can always be right a few times :smile:.

I haven’t thought about my uncle passing away in a long time. He was supposedly about to die in March, but since he didn’t it pretty much slipped my mind until that dream.

In the Bible, dreams were used as forms of divination with God. Dreams also were visions, so I am assuming I am right.

As of the candy, yes I thoguht of that too. When I see something, my subconscious may have seen it but I haven’t, so it just showed me in the dream.