Visiting Other People's Lucid Dreams

Hi there,

I feel like I read about it in the contents of a book which currently is eluding my memory.

Interested to know if possible and if anyone can help point me to that book.


Warm regards,

It might be Psychic Dreamwalking by Michelle Belanger, but on LD4all there are the Chroniclers and a member here (Pantalaimon) created the Lucid Crossroads for dreamers to meet after he had his own shared dreaming experience. I’ve been to the Lucid Crossroads a couple of times, but no confirmed meet-up.

I don’t speak very well english but did you say that… it’s possible !?!
Is that possible to lucid dream with another lucid dreamer !?! :eek:

Some people have that experience, yes. But it is not a science, so we cannot share our dreams always. It is fun to try :tongue:

Yeah, I think shared dreams are awesome, when I start LDing with a good frequency I want to try to do it with somebody. Does somebody knows if the Chroniclers, or the Lucid Crossroads, had some result?
Imagine if somebody prove scientifically it is possible and made a technic to a induce it, LDing would be “revolutioned”. What about a “hunger dream games”? Pretty cool. :cool:

But, does it mean that the consciousness of two lucid dreamers can be connected !? It means that the humans are able to communicate via telepathy !! Where are their consciousness during this time !? What can they see !? Can they see the same thing !? Does that mean that all their imagination or thought are connected to !? Does this new world disappear after the lucid dream ?! Does it exist a world of dreams ?! Another dimension ?! How can it be possible ?! It’s not just like connection in internet !!! Are you able to answer ? I’m just dreaming it’s not possible !! :eek: :eek:

Can it be possible ? :peek:

Robert Waggoners book had a chapter on mutual Lucid dreams. From his experience the sharing of a dream is very possible as long as the intent is there with you and the other party. Ive actually shared the same dream with my boyfriend…the same exact event, same characters and premise but i wasn’t lucid :bored: . The recall we both had on the dream the next day was profound. Yes, i believe its very possible…Scientific proof or not :wiske:

Sweet Dreams

Humans have got super powers !!!
It’s so crazy :cool:
I hope I could one day visiting the dream of the members of my familie to help them to be lucid : only my little sister had managed to do some lucid dreams after me.

We evolved the ability to communicate verbally because nature judged this to be the most efficient way to do so. The idea of telepathy contradicts most of what we know about biology, physics, and information science.

Yes ! It’s why it’s difficult for me to believe it but it can be sooo fun !!! :grin:

My wife and I got up early the other morning – she had a cup of coffee and I fell back asleep. As she was drinking her coffee, she started to day dream about us taking a trip to Machu Picchu. While I slept, I dreamt that we were in Machu Picchu. Rational explanations aside, thought it might be worthwhile for some of you to try as a starting point in developing a shared dreaming technique. One person daydreaming, while the other(s) sleep…

My aunt believes that our world is constitued by a multitude of exchange of energies. So, it could be possible to communicate by telepathy because it can “circulate” just like the voice. Maybe it’s true… :neutral: