Visualisation Aid for WILD

Ok… it’s me again. :razz:
Last night I was trying to visualise a location for where I wanted to be in my lucid dream, and I came up with this idea.

Usually when I’m visualising the scene I tend to get too caught up in the details and I lose focus and fall asleep. So I thought maybe it’s cause I’m putting too much effort into creating the location for the dream and not enough effort into staying aware until the dream starts. Basicly I came up with a way to visulise a location faster and easier while still letting you keep aware and not drift off.
Note: This probably won’t work for those that have to have complete silence when they sleep, and will probably work better the more tired you are.

Ok let’s begin.
Choose a relaxing movie. Something that doesn’t have alot of action or loud sounds. I’ve been using the movie “Waking Life” for this so that along with helping me visualise a scene easier, it might embed some of the things it speaks about in the movie into my brain…
Now that you have your movie, put it at a medium volume and goto sleep listening to it.
As the movie plays, listen to it and visualise the location in your head. Picture yourself as a sort of bystander watching the movie, not neccesarily interacting at all. Basicly if the people are having a conversation, picture their faces and gestures while they speak. If there is an action sequence, picture the bad guys gettin blown away.
Just keep at it. Instead of having to create every detail of the scene yourself… the sound input of the movie provides alot.
This minimises effort needed to create the scene and lets you focus more on the actualy staying aware part.

Well… dunno if this helps anyone but just thought I’d throw it out there and see if it does.

This is very similar to a technique described in the book, Lucid Dreams in 30 Days: The Creative Sleep Program.

I think the authors have you watch the movie for about 1/2 an hour, then close your eyes and let the sound of the movie guide your visualization, and eventually the beginning of the dreaming process. I have yet to try this technique.

I’ve never read the book. Might have to check it out sometime.

You can check the following link, which I believe was lifted from the book. “Day Two” begins the discussion of using TV to help guide the visualization process.

Perhaps visualizing on something simpler might work better. For example, just visualize a white dot in the center of your forehead. Let HI develop on its own. Be aware of them, but don’t pay attention to them either. Keep your focus on the white dot. Alternatively, you could visualize a simple image like a book or a symbol.

Just a thought.

Happy Dreaming

What about counting while goin down a staircase or the classic sheep. Are they any less effective?