Vitamin B6. Does it work?

I generally remember my dreams and have had a few lucid dreams. (I’m a beginner). I saw on this forum that vitamin B6 is good for increasing the vividness of your dreams and dream recall. I have tried it a couple of times now but it has come to no effect, not just no effect but negative effects as the nights I have taken it I have had no dream recall at all, whereas most nights I don’t take it I do.

B6 generally helps people with DR and vividness, but that’s not to say it’s some kind of miracle vitamin. Some people react differently to different doses. I’d be surprised if it’s actually preventing DR, it may simply be a part of your normal DR cycle. It’s common for people to go through highs and lows.

Have you read the contents of your vitamin supplement well? I once tried a B vitamin supplement because I thought it would help with sleep and dreams. I literally couldn’t sleep at all after taking it. It turned out that the product contained caffeine…