I’ll keep this brief, this has worked for me quite often, though when I wake up i’m still tired, so I don’t do it every day.
Get digital voice recorder, the cheapest your local electronic store has, it doesen’t need fancy features but MUST have an A-B repeat button. What you do is record about five minutes of ‘you are dreaming’ onto it. Now sleep about six hours, and do the WBTB method, staying up for 60-90 minutes, not more than that, going back bed set the recorder on repeat, using ear phones, if you’re one of those people that rolls around quite a bit, you might consider using a small piece of tape to stick tape down the earphone, you only need one ear for this( be gentle removing it when you wake up ) and thats it, got to sleep(could take you an hour and a half)while listening to the message.
Its best to go to sleep with the curtains open to let the light in, this helps keep sleep light. I did this last night and after spending two thirds of the dream listening to a dream character say ‘you are dreaming’ and not know what the hell he was going on about, I caught on as I was coming out of slepp, but did the spinning the technique and was able to go on with the dream, albeit with low level lucidity, but its still something. Finally blew it trying to have sex with a girl I knew back in school, guess the excitement woke me up .
By the way, any tips on increasing dream clarity before you go to sleep, I cant remember to do these things once I’m lucid.