Voluntary Dream Character Takeover

Okay, the way I understand it, the popular opinion is that Dream Characters represent different portions of our subconscious, wheather it is an aspect of ourselves, a fantasy, or how we percieve another person, correct?

Whould it be possible to allow a trusted character to wake up in place of yourself to allow them the experiance of waking life, or for whatever reason? Or has this even been attempted? My logic is that if a dream character is more or less another aspect of ourselves, would it not be possible while your “real” self would be stored away in your subconscious, or allowed to explore it of your own will?

By the way, I psted in this section of the forum because I figured a subject such as this would borderline on the metaphysical. If I am incorrect, feel free to move it to the appropriate section. (as if I could stop you…)

That’s deep man. However, I think that the closest one could get to that is a coma. I cannot think of a way that the subconscious could control the conscious mind and even if it was possible I do not think it would be attempted by anyone other than those who are locked up in a padded cell. Why? Well think of your normal dreams. Your subconscious is constantly bending reality at its whim. It can do that in the realm of the mind. But in reality? In a dream your subconscious is in control while in reality it would not have that element. It would probably get your body killed because it thinks it has some power that is only possible in dreams, or at least make a fool of yourself with its dream-logic applied to waking life. If it was possible and if I could trust it to not wholly demolish my body trying to jump off of a cliff to fly or something then the ability to have the subconscious take over waking life is something I would definitely look into.

However, I beleave another popular theory is that your “logic matrix” or whatever is shut down or suppressed during a dream, so if one could convince a dream character “OK, the laws of physics apply, you CANNOT fly in the waking world,” wouldn’t that suffice? Or perhaps natural logic would kick in and the dream character would realize the laws of physics and reality apply differently in real life, especially if the knew they were merely figments or creations of our mind. But it raises another important question: are “self-aware” dream characters aware there is a realm outside the dreamer’s mind?

Hmm… that’s a good idea a bit unrealistic (maybe that’s not the word) though. But in theory based on what is said about DC being some part or is in some way connected to your subconscious then this might be possible.

Your wrong there. More than likely the SC has access to your WL memory therefore once the order is given to the SC/DC to say spend a day or two in complete control of your body in WL then the SC/DC would come to realise it will be going to experience reality instead of a dream and therefore would know by accessing memory and data from the conscious or mind whatever that certain actions you aren’t cable of as was capable in dreams. But the only way we will know if this is possible is if it was tried.

Yeah its true that your left brain isnt firing on all cylinders during REM, but also your subconscious operates mainly on emotion anyway. As for if DC s know about real life, well I would say that they do, being part of yourself who knows about waking life

I believe it would be a very interesting experiment to attempt, should there be any volunteers. But it should probably only be attempted by expert LDers with master over thier willpower. As best as I could visualize this, unless this experiment is successfull, the closest one could possiby come would be emulating that dream character’s personality and mannerisms.

I imagine it would be a scary experiance if your dream character would become rogue and you would literally have to fight it to regain control of your body.

Dream Characters represent different portions of our subconscious
wheather it is an aspect of ourselves, a fantasy, or how we percieve
another person, correct?

And, according to Jung, the collective unconscious.

Whould it be possible to allow a trusted character to wake up in place of yourself

No. Your ego would not allow it. It does not like competition.

My logic is that if a dream character is more or less another aspect of ourselves,
would it not be possible while your “real” self would be stored away in your
subconscious, or allowed to explore it of your own will?

Our “self” is made up of both conscious and unconscious material. Our waking life is (attempted to be) run by the ego and the associated differentiated brain functions. “Storing” the self is not possible. Exploring by an unconscious process is nonsensical, because unconscious processes have no ego/center to make them care.

Think of an animal, which has only an unconscious, and acts on impulse and stimulus response. Could you let a cow control “you” for a while? There’s be nothing “exploring” and that takes a directing mental process not present in the cow.

That makes no sense what so ever. Unconscious is not like subconscious it cannot be used as a noun. If your saying an animal has an unconscious(Lacking awareness and the capacity for sensory perception; not conscious.) then that means the entire world and everything in it is unknown to it because it is unaware of its environment, right??? Then therefore that means the animal would be in a coma like state for its entire existence from birth or even from the womb, correct???

I am inclined to agree with Knightdreamer. Unconscous literally means “without consciousness,” while subconscious is “below consciousness,” meaning it is a level of thinking and awareness below our conscious thought, but still ever present, right? And besides, why would one’s “ego” prevent you from unleashing what is essentially an different aspect of one’s self? You are still you, whatever personality changes, likes, and dislikes may occur. Humans are an ever changing people, and the mind is one of the most difficult things to study, because while the brain may be physically the same, we each have our own hormone balances, our own thought processes. So who is to say what is and is not possible without even thoughts or speculation of experimentation?

Well said kitsun :thumbs:

I apologize. I should have predicated my comment with “according to (my understand of) Jung”.

sounds like step in angels i have read about

Sounds like DID (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissociative_identity_disorder). So yes, the brains are capable of letting another identity take over waking life. (usually as a protection mechanism to protect a child from extreme abuse). However, I wouldn’t recommend experimenting with it, due the risk of ending up with real DID, because it’s not something you can easily turn on and off.