Has anyone anyone knows actually bought and/or tried this device. If its true, its intriguing. Be interested to know how connecting the clips to the earlobes stimulates the brain… and if it in fact is used in hospitals because I’ve never heard of this before. You’d think something so beneficial and safe would be out on the mass market already.
Its unfortunate that its so expensive or else I would buy it just to try it. Little pricey for the gamble though.
However… "Voodoo Magick Box Model I, II, and Hookah, all come with a thirty day satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with your purchase within thirty (30) days from the date of shipping simply return the Voodoo Unit to us and we will refund your money minus the cost of shipping, gel, and ear-clips. (Gel and ear-clips can not be returned for health-safety reasons.) "
30 Days from the date of shipping? It says all over that site that the product will take 4 to 6 weeks to get to you. By the time you have it, the guarentee is long void
That’s my guess anyway. I agree that the device sounds quite interesting, but I can’t help but question the science behind stimulating the ear lobe. How about this: You buy one, and tell us if it’s any good
Sheeet. Wish I had the money to try it. Im always curious about these kinds of things. I would love to try things like the voodoo magick box… the dream machine… that mindmachine that “Zygon” used to make or whatever… but they are very often WAY overpriced. I have to say though… that this is among the cheaper of these kind of devices that I have come across.
If you notice it says thirty days from being shipped. The four to six weeks is because the manufacturer is trying to make them fast enough to keep up with the orders. They are backed up. The actual shipping probably only takes like a week. No way shipping takes four to six weeks.
I wrote them and asked if they could point me to some information about the devices invention and history of its medical use. We’ll see if they write me back.
If I felt beyond a doubt that it would do and could do everything that it does, Hell I would lay money down for a “Hookah”!!!
i bet the voodoo machine does work. If you believe it will work it probably will. but who wants to spend that much money when i could sell you these magic paper clips that go on your ear and will induce lucid dreams 50% of the time
Seriously though, while believing that this device will increase the chance of having a lucid dream may work, I bet you couldn’t simply ‘believe’ your way into a full drug-like trip of pure exctasy.
While that’s not entirely what they claim it does, it’s not far off. They do explain (kind of) that the active process involves using electrobes that accelerate the production of chemicals in the brain. Specifically, (and apparently by accident) those chemicals responsible for pleasure, and relaxation
It might work, but I don’t think the effects will be as big as what they describe. You might feel something, but don’t expect too much.
My sister went through acupressure therapy for a heart eurhythmia and she had these beads put on her ear lobes. When pressed they would give her a little jolt like an electric current in her body and then she would relax. All she was told were that they would help her relax when pressed not that they would give her that little jolt but when she mentioned it the therapist said that was normal. Weird stuff.
So I believe its possible that the box works like they say but whether or not they have met the possibilty is what concerns me. It just seems like this thing would be huge and all over the place if it did what they say… though… who knows.
Here’s the skinny. I wrote them asking for some history of the device and I got a response saying “Search the 'net for CES or Cranial Electro Stimulation, you fill find your
answers there. Take care. ”
I did and I guess there are devices like this all over the place. Strange that I’ve never come across them before. There was one I found called the HealthPax that looked very similar to the voodoo magick box but it cost 295 dollars!!! Looks like the voodoo magick box is a steal at 90 bucks…
Going to go research Cranial Electro Stimulation… Be back later.
After reading the article Lostboy posted, my conclusion is that this thing will induce a relaxed “alpha” state. It may do something, but I doubt it will work like psychedelics! If it does with you, then you probably are a kind of person that easily gets hypnagogic images when relaxing. To be honest, I don’t see why anyone would buy this device, regular practice of relaxation techniques/meditation will also bring this state. You could also try brainwave entrainment ( www.bwgen.com ). If this thing does induce the alpha state, it COULD make it easier to sleep but NO guarantee (imsomnia is not always solved by just relaxing)… It could make it easier to WILD or induce OBE’s, but no guarantee… It wouldn’t do a better job than other techniques that are completely free but require a little effort.
Anyone can try to convince me that I’m too skeptical about this by proving that it really makes you trip… But I’m not going to pay a lot for a device that probably only brings a state that I can achieve very easily without any help . And even if it DOES induce trippy experiences… also not interested, feeling fine without them .
Yeah… not sure about it being the new digital drug. Medical reports say that it MAY cause a slight feeling of inebreation. Not good enough to pay ninety dollars for hehehehe…
I probably should have seen it coming, but last night I had a particularly long dream about this Voodoo machine.
I was walking around in some store (might have been a library) when I saw one of these devices on demonstration, with a few people around. They all seemed to be enjoying it, so I waited for a turn.
The clips actually hurt quite a bit when you hook them up to your ear, but this is mainly because in the dream they were those large alligator clips that you see on jumper cables
Anyway, initially I couldn’t really feel anything, but as soon as I leant backwards and relaxed on a couch (that wasn’t there 2 minutes ago) it started to kick in. The person I was looking at (I think it was a friend, but I have no idea who) appeared to have a glowing white outline. The effect intensified to include other strange color reactions and odd feelings of pressure being applied to my face.
For some reason, this device had not only a single peice to attach to your ear, but also some earphones for some unknown reason. You had to fit the earphones like you would when listening to a walkman, then attach the claw-thing.
Somehow I was now at my house, and this device was mine (Must have been hypnosited into buying it while I was at the shop ). Lots of people wanted a turn, but I was unwilling to stop using it. Other unimportant things happened for a while, when suddenly it was time for me to go to work. My mother was concerned that I would not remove the device, and was treating the entire thing as if it were a heroin addition
I woke up really feeling like a ‘fix’ from one of these machines, before realising that the effects in real life would not be anything like what they were in the dream. This is comforting, because I think I would actually become an addict if they were
Nice dream. Sounds like you’ve been thinking about it more than I have! I like the bit where you wake up wanting a fix before you realize it was all a dream. I love when that kind of thing happens.
If this sort of device is sometimes used medically, I wonder if a local doc might have a similar device that he/she might let me try… hmmmm.