Wake Back to Bed - Need some help here

(yes, i already read the big WBTB topic, and the suneye topic, and got alot of varying information.)

I’m a bit scattered here. From what I gather, WBTB is the best technique for getting lucid dreams. I tried a mix of a few techniques last night, but I did them all sloppily (without sucess). I have a few questions:

  1. Is there any technique that I should try first? What has worked for you? How long did you stay up? How many hours did you sleep? How many times has it worked for you?

  2. Does the suneye method really work? I tried it last night and found it pretty un-comfortable (and I didn’t follow through with it exactly), but I can keep at it if it really works. I’d like to hear from someone with experience - how long have you tried it and how many times have you suceeded?

Thanks for any help - it’s appreciated.

  1. Most people find MILD and WBTB work best together :smile:.
    Also, most people find that sleeping for 5-6 hours, wake up, read (or whatever) for 1/2 and hour - 1 hour and then back to bed works best.

WBTB really does increase your chances of an LD. When I didn’t use it, it was ages before I had an LD. But when I started using it, I started getting loads (I had nine in one month). I’m getting lazy with it now, so I don’t have as many as I use too :/.

  1. Dunno, never used it :wink:.

Well, last night I woke up after 5-6 hours and stayed up for about 35-40 minutes. During that time I read about lucid dreaming and all of that and tried to saturate myself with the words “I am dreaming”.

I didn’t even get a pre-lucid dream :sad:. Oh well, I guess I’ll have to try again. Like any other method/technique I know it’s not going to work the first time and will take atleast a few days of practice to get used to.

did you try a MILD when you went back to sleep? …or any other method? Also…don’t try and push yourself too hard. Don’t stress over having one. Just know that it’s easy…and know every night, you will have a LD. Trick your Sub-C into giving you what you want :smile:

Regards to the Suneye method…I know a few people who have had success… Me personally, no. lol. The only thing that method did for me is make me lose sleep. The position you put yourself in while trying to fall asleep does not work for me…and I would just sit there for an hour or two… Very annoying.

Really though, you should check out MILD a little deeper. It does sound like a tech that doesn’t work, but I was so amazed at what it could do. I started trying it a couple of months ago, and got nearly instant results when I actually tried hard at it using WBTB.

Good luck!

I use MILD and WBTB. My easiest method is sleeping for about 7-8 hours, then being up for about 40 minutes (watching tv…) then going back to sleep with MILD for a couple of hours. I only did this once a week though.
I’ve tried waking up earlier, but I’m too tired to get up from bed if I’ve just slept five hours.

What exactly are you guys doing?

Because I was using the “1 - I am dreaming, 2 - I am dreaming, 3 - I am dreaming” method. I got to somewhere around 200 and forgot about it (while I was falling asleep). Maybe I didn’t focus on my words enough. I was focusing on the third eye but that just made me tense/uncomfortable.

OK, I see what you are doing now. You are trying to do WBTB/WILD which is a little different than WBTB/MILD

With WBTB/WILD I have better results going right back to sleep after I wake up. If I do not have to I don’t even move and the longest I will stay awake is 5 minutes. I find WILD works much more quickly if go right back to bed.

How is the counting working for you? Do you feel like you are making progress with it?

I don’t know but for some reason i haven’t completed the WBTB technique completely, when i say completely i say that i stay up very little and don’t do exactly as it should be.

What exactly do you do?

I use to practice WBTB with autosuggestion. Sleeping for about 4 1/2 or 6 hours, then being up for about 45 minutes.
I never tried Suneye method.

SWBB is an incredibly effective catalyst to the other methods, but you need to use it consistently to get the best results in my opinion. Basically that means you have to use it every night - you can’t really expect results after one night of using this method. If you use this technique for a reasonable length of time you will begin to get consistently great results espescially if you use it in combination with WILD or MILD. It really can accelerate your results, but you need to experiment with the amount of time which is right for you to stay awake. This seems to vary from person to person. Stay awake too long and it can be hard to get back to sleep, not long enough and it may not be as effective, so you really need to vary the technique and see what works best for you personally.
It is an amazing method though, and one that everyone should try I think.

What is the suneye method by the way? I’ve never heard of that one…

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