Hello all,
I have just recently discovered lucid dreaming. I have yet to completely explore this entire site, or lucid dreaming. I do know what it is and I have a particular dream that I was hoping some of you could comment on.
About ten years ago, (roughly 16years old) I was staying next door at a friend’s house, as I normally did. We would stay up late playing video games. Regardless of the time we when to bed we would always wake up at a certain time. One particular night I had a most unusual thing happen in a dream. It is as follows…
The dream it’s self I can barley remember, but while in the middle of this dream, (that I had no control over) my dream suddenly stopped. When the dream stopped I was in no particular place, as a matter of fact I wasn’t any ware. But I did have two choices, one was to wake up, and the other was to continue dreaming. While in this state I begin to think about my choices. I thought that I would like to continue dreaming, but I figured also that if I’m being given this choice then it must be about time for my friends to wake up and I didn’t want then to mess with me as I was sleeping if I decided to continue. I struggled with this for a bit and then decided that I wanted to wake up. And so I did. It indeed was nearly the time we normally woke up.
Every since that happened to me I think about it from time to time, I have told many people about my experience, but nobody has heard of such a thing. Then again the people that I have told have had not background in dreaming, besides what they have dreamt about themselves. So I ask all that read this, what are your thoughts? Have you ever been given a choice like that? What does being given that choice mean?
Thank you,