Hi everybody.
My problem is that i do not remember getting up at night to do MILD/WILD in a WBTB method im currently trying. Its like im turning of the timer in sleep. This is really anoying. Anyone having tips on how to wake up “better” than i use to. I do not even remember the timer ringing. Im sure im turning it of because it stands in a different position than where it usually stands before i go to sleep.
Tips please
I’m having the same problem. Maybe you’re not getting enough sleep? I find it easier to wake up during the night when I’ve gone to bed a bit earlier and feel less tired.
That’s a great tip, that’s what I usually do. But sometimes I’m just so tired that I get up and turn off the alarm and then go back to bed and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow
Another idea is to have 2 alarms, or even more. And have one set 5-10 minutes after the other. Then you won’t be quite as tired when the second one wakes you up. The only problem with that one is that your tired self gets so smart that it turns off them both at the same time
Having your computer or stereo playing some nice music on soft volume works quite well too then you won’t wake up quite as fast as with an alarmclock.
Put the clock in a place where it’s hard to reach - it can be near, then you’ll hear it better.
Get up every time you wake up. You can drink some water before going to sleep so you’ll have to go to toilet.
I had the same problem. Today I got louder alarm clock and put it under my bed. I was able to do double WBTB
okey… maybe ill skip trying the method tonight and rest completely out and tomorrow ill try to put my timer away from bed, two of them. And have my pc playing some soft music! Thx for the tips ppls.
it is really annoying when your “tired self” isn’t motivated enought to get up from bed when you are trying WBTB…
when i’m awake and when i go to bed at the evening i really want to have more lucid dreams and feel quite confident that i will soon if i just stick to WBTB+MILD for a while, but since i started my WBTB attemps last weak i haven’t managed to motivate myself to get out of bed even once, just turning my alarm off and going back to sleep.
atleast i was a little bit less tired today when i tried to get up 6 hours after sleep instead of 5 so i guess i just have to keep trying…
I use my phone as an alarm and I realised that I can put it in a drawer and then lock the drawer and put away the key So it takes a while to first get the key and then to unlock the drawer and turn off the alarm. So after all that I’m usually quite awake.