Hi all,
my name is Jenny and I want to start LD. I was wondering if it is possible that a loud alarm will “ruin” some dream memories when being woken in the middle of the night?
Hi all,
my name is Jenny and I want to start LD. I was wondering if it is possible that a loud alarm will “ruin” some dream memories when being woken in the middle of the night?
Hi Jenny,
Welcome to the forum.
I believe it is possible to lose pieces of dreams due to being startled awake from a loud alarm, but if you stick with a dream journal and spend enough time on dream recall, you should remember your dreams regardless of the alarm. Mine’s pretty loud and goes off three times a night and yet I manage to remember my dreams–they don’t always appear right away though. So don’t fret if this happens, just continue with your alarm and pretty soon you’ll adapt to it and shouldn’t have a lot of trouble with your dream recall.
Good luck.
yeh, being startled and woken up abruptly does make me at least, forget almost everything I was dreaming about!
That includes a loud alarm clock, BUT , after a while now I have gotten used to waking with an alarm clock which is loud, and I quickly switch it off, and can remember my dreams,. I think, as sno said, that if you get used to it, it is ok
I dont like the idea of a clock waking me up.
I just try to give myself some suggestions before sleeping that i will wake up after my dreams and take note of them. Works rather good and my sleep isn’t intrupted.
I Hope it can help you also
Thanks to everyone who replied!
I tried last night to just “alter” my state of mind (but i did not set my alarm…not yet) before I went to sleep…and had some neat effects! I almost felt a “shifting” in my mind…I would sometimes feels as if I am floating…but a sudden chill would bring me back…CRAZY! I have always been able to remember my dreams…they are sometimes too real…and I have always somehow been able to “let go” and see myself outside of myself…OBE in a way…so i found out about LD and thought it was a perfect opportunity to go deeper into myself…I am really excited about this…although last night was kinda scary…just not use to experiencing the power of the mind. The best is yet to come
So if anyone ever wants to share experiences with me…do so! I am always open to what anyone has to say
Jenny, you should try drinking water before bed. It will wake you up in a much more subtle way than an alarm.