waking up after each dream

on sept 13 had so many dreams and after each i woke up! i wonder why that happened? does anyone know of this type of incidence? after each and every dream!!! :eh:

Hey, that’s cool! :content: I think you can kinda tell yourself to do that with autosuggestion. But I guess you just got lucky… :smile:

That’s definitely a good thing (unless you need the sleep). Probably triples your chances of having a lucid dream.

true ! lol i did try to LD but didnt really work maybe well Probably cuz i was tired! :tongue: but yea i got lucky on that part! :grin:

I heard you wake up after each dream/sleep cycle but you don’t remember most of them. I think you are more likely to notice and make a journal entry etc. if you reinforce that plan to yourself the night before.

That happens to me sometimes…Then in the morning I can’t remember my previous dreams, only the one I just woke up to.

That’s probably the ideal situation for LD’ing. All those WBTB’s mean you could have like 7 LD’s in a night.

Did you have a LD?

Aw man any time I have a night where I wake up after each dream I seem to have LD’s on the next one, so it’s like 6 LD’s in one night.

Oooooo those are the best.

I also tend to wake up after each and every single dream. I wake up over 10 times a night, but I don’t always recall all of my dreams. Typically I’ll recall between 3-5 dreams. Sometimes I’ll try to lie on my back, relaxed, waiting for the memory of a dream to come back to me (in case I wake up not remembering a dream), but many times I’m too tired and fall asleep before I remember.

I can’t really afford to stay up too long at night or else I won’t fall asleep at all :razz: