Waking up and seeing things

Hey Guys,

I read about the “old hag” thing where u see a dark person or scary person or whatever and you cant move or scream but it says his is while you’re sleeping and then u wander off into another dream?

I used to have something similar to this years ago but i think it is different.

I used to wakeup, and i would see someone that would always be walking toward me in my room, then i would look away and see them pass thru me, they were kind a like you know see thru spirit looking. i would be really scared and then fall back asleep.

as soon as i started thinking to myself, next time it happens i will get out of bed and try touching it, it NEVER happened again. strange, anyone else experience this?

I’ve been through a lot of sleeping/dream situations. I used to live in this old house around 5 years ago. I was sleeping and I woke up seeing a ghost before me. He was a doctor smiling at me. I was scared and went back to sleep. The next morning, I woke up, there was a dead bat on the floor.

The ironic part, about a month later. My family finally opened the attic finding old medicine bottles. We researched on the background of our house and there use to be a doctor who lived there treating patients in the neighborhood.

More ironically, my grandparents came to visit and slept in my room. They both wook up in middle of the night and saw the ghost next to my bed smiling once again. (They left my house all scared).

Now, I do somewhat believe in ghosts and I also believe in spiritual pressences. I also believe in dreaming hallucinations (mental make up) or “half-asleep” hallucinations. If you were in REM, which you probably were, you could have easily awaken and still be in the process of dreaming if that makes sense. If you did see something else, probably harmless.

Nah rj it was probably just a ghost or something :spinning:

Seriously though, the old hag supposedly appears during sleep paralysis (like during WILD) from what I hear. But I think people experience the hag because they feel vulnerable/irrational during SP and the mind manifests the experience. I myself have never experienced the old hag since I don’t feel vulnerable and/or scared of having the situation occur. I think when it comes to the hag it’s like freddy kruger, it only has power over you if you allow it to. If you conquer your fear then you won’t have to deal with it.

Hope this helps somehow, good luck.

I know exactly what you’re talking about. Don’t worry…it’s all in your head. :wiske: Or maybe your house really IS haunted (but I really doubt that! :content: ).
Anyways, I had a similar experience where I did WILD and I was hallucinating b/c when I went to sleep, I was on my OTHER side. All of a sudden, I became scared and I saw this white, transparent thing floating around in my room. Man, this thing was scarier than anything you’d see in a horror movie. It floated up to my face and started screaming. It’s face was long, and old-lady-like. I think it resembled something like the “Scream” face. Anyways, it continued shrieking in my face, then everything faded black and I heard the echoing scream in my ear, but it eventually went away. Thank God I’ve never experienced that again. Was this the “old hag?” I’m still not sure. My house sure ain’t haunted though. :happy: Anyways, I’m sure it’s normal. When it happens again either say out loud or in your head, “I’m dreaming/hallucinating…you are NOT real.” Good luck!!! :wink:


Just mentioning that sounds freaky LDgirl,anyone know a link to site about this Old Hag she sounds intresting?

Could be your “spirit guide”… Is it the same person every time? eventually, tell yourself and your guide that you would like to speak to him/her in a dream-induced oobe or LD or something. Personally I haven’t oobe’ed before. The only psychic-stuff I have done (,seen and shown others) is psychokinesis, telepathy and precognition… :razz: www.Psipog.net is a must for psi-practice!

Seeing things while waking up is called hypnopompic hallucinations. (sp?) My brother has experienced that quite a lot, and it is almost like a part of a dream is still visible after partially waking up! I also get it sometimes, and my most common hallucination is a cat in my bed. :cool:

I had a friend back in grade school that swore up and down that this happened to him one night:

He woke up in the middle of the night and saw a shadow of one man murdering another. He looked at the clock and fell back asleep. When he woke up in the morning he saw in the news that someone had been killed the night before at the same exact time that he saw on the clock.

I always thought he was full of crap (because he did make a lot of stuff up) or it was all just a big dream, but after reading some of the stuff I’ve read here I’m not so sure.