Hail to all…long time no posts…eh…so busy with college and the band i havnt had time to dream (which is somewhat true and very sad)
this post isnt for me…bvut for two friends who asked me about their dreams…i realy cant figure them out…
My one friend awhile ago had these dreams where he would awake very sick…like as if he had the flu…the dreams…from what he could remember were normal dreams. One would be abouthis friends…another could be about some crazy killing dream…didnt seem to matter…these happened with or without beer or weed use…soo…i dont think its the drinks…
My other friend…well.her story is different…first off their is some reason i can think of… YA see me and her were at this old dam talken about things for awhile…a car pulled out and it was a cop…but i knew the guy so he didnt care that we were up there…now back to the dream
She dreamed about a police officer’s…she couldnt remember too much but she said toward the end one of them was eating and began to get bigger…like a balloon…then she woke up feeling sick and her stomach hurting… She then went back to bed and had a simialar dream again and awoke again to being sick…
I can understand the cops alone, since we had a run-in with them…but the sickness?? and dreaming twice in a row?? anyone have any idea??
Oh tom be added…the next day (today) when she was driving to school she had a police car follow her…lol…hmm