Waking up when thinking about dream

I just woke up from a LD (a cool one, btw :happy: ). And something happened that has happened to me before. I was lucid the whole time, no doubt about that, but I wasn’t thinking about the fact that I was dreaming. I was looking around and exploring. But at one point I thought something like “this dream is cool” or whatever. I mean, I consciously thought about the fact that I was dreaming. And that woke me up imediately. :sad:

So I was wondering if this happens to anyone else and if anyone has any tips to avoid thinking about the dream (but remain lucid!) …

OR, even better, be able to think about it without waking up, because sooner or later I end up thinking… :neutral:

I’m not really sure, but after reading your text something snapped in the back of my head.

I might recall me thinking about a dream, how fun it was, and how cool it was to be in there. It happened just yesterday night. I remember I suddenly like, closed my eyes. And when I opened them again I was laying in my bed, so frustrated because the dream ended.

But I might have woken up because I thought adjectives about the dream. :razz:

Hey, MaximumLD. I just read another topic that reminded me of the “staying calm problem” (which I have lots of the time… So maybe it’s just that. Thinking about the dream gets me as excited as I get when I get lucid, so I wake up. :tongue:

I guess it is a matter of practice and getting more used to LD’s…

thanks for the reply :wink:

That was exactly what happened to me in my recent ‘‘trasparent dream’’ where i was somehow lucid but didn’t think about it. :eh: