Waking Up

How can you wake yourself from a lucid dream if you want to wake up?

I’ve had lucid dreams where I wanted to wake up, but I couldn’t figure out how. I eventually lost much of my lucidity and just went with the flow.

I have had some bad memories where i was lucid and could not wake up.

not sure but i think going nuts can help me wake up. well at least dreams sometimes wake u up when they get to crazy.

Check this recent thread for a discussion on waking up from dreams.

Hi quitejaded, welcome to the forum :wave:

There isn’t any way better than others to wake up from LD’s. I used to seek strong sensations but some people will tell you that just wanting to open your eyes or trying to feel your real body will do the job.

I’ve noticed some posts on this subject :

I tried to wake up, and couldn’t …
Thinking clear…

Hope this helps :happy:


Maybe this technique was already listed somewhere among the links that everyone gave here, I don’t recall where I picked it up but it seems interesting.
Since dreams happen in REM state, you’re supposed to end that state by focusing your eyes on a single spot while in LD , so there will be no more “rapid eye movements”. Hope it will work for you.

I’ve never had this kind of problems myself, mine is the other way around - I just want my LDs to last longer! :wink:

I just wake up by will power. Its hard to explain. I just wake up, simple as that.

I’ve had real problems waking up from a lucid nightmare before - very scary, even though you know it’s just a dream. I think that in the end it was sheer willpower which woke me. Closing your eyes within the dream and willing yourself to wake seems to work for some people.

But you know, if your lucid in a nightmare, there’s no need to wake yourself up :wink:
You could face your fears or change the dream into something else thats more pleasant you know.

I was not expecting so much respsonse! Thanks all.

Well, you’re right Josh. I’ve been lucid in nightmares and they were not that scary anymore, but that’s not why I want to wake up.

I just want to wake up. I’m not scared or bored, I just want to be awake! Haha.

i used to shake myself awake from nightmares as a child