Thinking clear...

Do you remeber who you really are when you’re lucid? Do you think as clear as when you are awake, and remeber details from real life, like what you did the other day etc?

Normally yes. Although when you’re only low-lucid, you might not think as clear as irl. In my experience, I usually know that right now I’m lying asleep in my bed, but it’s sometimes harder to actually remember things I did the previous day. Though the more lucid you are, the easier it should be. But the overall clarity of LD thoughts is equal (sometimes even better) than irl.

Happy LDing! :smile:

Oh and welcome to the forum! :happy:

Hi Incanus, and welcome to ld4all :wave: ,
I’m still a beginner in LD’s but a few days ago, I had what we could call more or less a minute of lucidity.
That’s been my first since I joined the forum and what I can tell you about my relationship between the dream and RL is

  • There was a TV in the dream talking to me using my first name (so of course I could remember it but I can’t tell you if it’s spontaneous :content: )
  • I remembered what I read on the forum such as “to stay lucid, rub my hands and repeat +Lucidity !+”

Well, for now, that’s all what I can tell.

Welcome to the forum Incanus!

I think you most definetly remember who you are when your lucid dreaming and as mystic said, you can sometimes realise that you are sleeping in your bed at the same time :grin:

Also, i find some things easier to do while lucid then others. For example i was able to do math calculations quite well when lucid! But i found it was hard to remember events that occured like a week ago. Having said that i can remember a lot of stuff the day before i go to sleep. Like reminding myself to fly underwater in a different country and remembering to reality checks i just read that day…

Anyways i wish you good luck on your Lucid Dreaming!

(p.s. i am still learning to do things in my lucid dreams as well :grin: )

Unless it’s a low level LD, then yeah - my thinking is as clear (or very almost as clear) as during the day.

Thanks for all answers!
Well, this may be a little off-topic, but i don’t thinks its nessesary to start a new thread (someone may have asked this before);
How do you ‘wake up’ from a lucid dream, and come back to reality - your bed. Is it possible to do it manual or do you just have to wait…?
Lets say its a sort of bad dream, and you really want to wake up. How do you do?

Well, just call me and I’ll come and take your place :lmao:

Seriously, I don’t really know if there is one way better than another… Since the more lucid you are, the more unstable the dream may be, I assume you should have no difficulty in getting out of a dream.
However, I remember as a child that when I wanted to get rid of a bad dream I looked for some strong sensations : I decided of a deep hole in front of me, in which I jumped and let myself fall, and I wanted that hitting the ground would wake me up… (Willing is important, as always…)

That was my best technique… Give me your opinion :content:

Emotions are very helpful for me; stress, happiness, etc usually pulls me out of a LD.

Sometimes in normal dreams I think and act normally as if the dream was IRL. :confused:

I’ve only had a few LD’s(4) but I always wonder the same thing. Some I remember mroe clearly and some I remember being more clear, but I have yet to have one as “lucid” as real life. As cool as they are, does your level of lucidity depend on something like when you go to sleep(ie: something to do with REM) or can you change your own level by doing something like yelling “LUCIDITY X 100!”

Try to “want” yourself to wake up. If that doesn’t work, close your eyes in the dream, or try something weird like walking through walls, flying into space. Such things make me wake up pretty often. Be sure to do a RC though to avoid a FA.

Level of lucidity seems to my experience to depend at least on

  1. Experience with lucid dreaming (the more you had them, the easier it is to become high lucid)
  2. The effort you put into it (tell yourself to be as high lucid as possible, before and during the LD, like yelling lucidity X1000 etc)
  3. State of consciousness / awareness (are you drunk, depressed, happy, whatever influences your awareness)

Usually when i wanna wake up, either i yell the loudest i can, either i jump from the window or try to fly without trying to controle it… :tryfly:
But most of the just “deciding” it is enough… I just try to feel myself lying in my bed…

The only reason I’d ever want to wake up, would be because I’ve been lucid long enough. I find that if the LD last for more than 1/2 an hour, then I start to forget things (including how I first became lucid).

If it’s cos the dream is bad, then I wouldn’t wake up. Make the dream good (eg. kill the monster/turn it into something nice/make friends with it or heal whoevers dying/save them/bring them back to life or whatever problem you may have).

Sometimes I’m not exactly in my waking mentality when I first become lucid. I may be caught up in the plot of the ND that was happening prior to my becoming lucid, or I may just be cloudy of mind and find it difficult to recall my intentions. In any case, I can usually “wake” myself up a bit more by applying some kind of stabilization technique or reality check. Thinking about real-world things can help, if it doesn’t cause me to wake up prematurely. I find it’s useful to build your stability within the dream as far as you can before you rush off to have some fun, or do whatever it is that comes to mind at the time. Just observe the environment, and reassure yourself that it’s not real. That can help to clear up any ND-induced confusion that may be lingering in your mind.

Staying in a LD is way way way harder then wanting to come out if it, but you could try closing your eyes and thinking about your bed. That usually does it… but when you first have LD’s they last only very breifly, well for me anyways.

Hope that helps!

Since you are already know that your dreaming when having the bad dream, just think about how you know you are just dreaming and that you are actually in bed and try to open your eyes. Before I had heard of lucid dreaming, I would sometimes have dreams, relize I was dreaming, then wake up after thinking too much about it.

Fore the most part I do know who I am and I remember my waking life and sometimes I even summon people I know from my waking life. However, sometimes I may forget about planed experiments and instead give in to my impulse to play in my dream.

I doubt you will have to worry about waking yourself up from a lucid dream. If anything you will want them to last longer. But if you must wake yourself simply close your eyes and keep them closed for a second then open them and you will wake up.

i remember one dream the other day where i was seeing all sorts of thing i had seen from my child hood.(just to make it clear this was not a lucid dream). although none of the things i saw really were from my child hood i had such an intence feeling that they were, the whole time the feeling was 5 times stronger than i have ever felt irl.

its not that i could not remeber anything, its just that i was so abusolutly sure that these were parts of my child hood and anyother explenation would make no sence at all, like i had known this my whole life. it was conforable in a way.

but it took me a long time to figure out who i really was when i awoke finnaly and it almost seemed impossable that i had been dreaming.

That happens to me a lot. I think "I’ll just carry on with this story for a while and then enjoy being lucid :ack:

My thinking is still very unclear sometimes in LD’s. I actually believe I or a ghost image of myself is out of bed :confused:

When I start dreaming or start dreaming and then it becomes Lucid, I hold a box (this box been my Lucid dream) after which seeing the box then the dream starts but to leave the dream I just remember the box and I can start a new one. (the box is normally blue and the background colour is yellow if you’re wondering) I can’t however wake myself up completely but sometimes I will awake and fall asleep but still be able to hear like the birds whistling outside the window

thinking about my choice of LD I think that lately I have been dreaming about computer games and I love them when I am awake. I think that when i am asleep I not only dream about computer games in a Lucid state but become part of the dream like a fish as playing a computer game you often become the act involved a bit like VR. I have been having a cosistent theme in a Lucid choice in a dream whether the whole dream was lucid or not but that I am somewhere like a landscape and then suddenly decide to jump into a lake or a pond and suddenly I am in a an underwater area but sometimes I have found I have a nightmarish style where I have some lucidty in the dream but also that some part of the dream is hard to control.

hope anyone knows what I am talking about as a lot of people find it hard in normal life, just tell me no need to worry.