Waking upp all the time


I have started to have some really interesting dreams where i realise i am dreaming but wake upp innstantly.

So i wonder two things:

1: Is this a sign that i am getting closer to have real LD.
one dream i have had was particulary wierd. I dreamt that me and some other dudes were looking upp somthing about LD on the internet. And the computer software was spaced out and suddenly i realised “Wtf this computer software dosn´t exist, neither does this computer. Shit i must be dreaming”
Then i woke up in my bed and had kinda like a rush. It was kinda cool but simillar things have happend like manny times.

2: How can i stop waking upp every time i realise im dreaming. I think it is becaus im to excited about having LDs. How can i relax and not like get such a shock each time.

Please exuse me for my rather crappy english

  1. those are LD’s…when you realise you’re dreaming it’s a LD…congrats :grin:

  2. Try rubbing your hands or try yelling Increase lucidity now. It worked for me :wink:

hey, 1. yes this is a good sign that you are getting close to a real LD

  1. im not really sure about this one becouse all my LD’s havent really been awaken by excitement,but i have heard(by reading these forums)that this will go away over time. im sure theres a thread about it in the first steps to lucidity somewhere . the main thing is to try and be calm.

hope i helped a little :smile:

edit:lol someone already posted before me :grin:

If you realize you’re dreaming, your dreams are lucid dreams. Beginners often wake up because of excitement. It’s a common issue.

First of all, you have to know it disappears with experience. Yet, as Shake told you, you can plan an action to do immediatly when you become lucid. Staring at your hands, rubbing them, performing a RC may help you in prolonging your lucid dreams.

Good luck and congrats on your LD’s! :smile:

This is what I call NWUS (which stands for ‘Newbie Waking Up Syndrome’ :wink:).

It happens to most people who start LD’ing (it happened to me too). What is basically happening - your becoming lucid, but the simple realisation that you’ve just become lucid leads to excietment - which wakes you up straight away.

This stops happening by itself after a while, so don’t worry about it :smile:.
You’re very close to your first ‘real’ LD - keep going :cool:.