Everyones heard of RC when you walk through a door right, well everytime i walk through any doors which is quite often i say am i dreaming and look at my hands. Well the problem is its super super hard to remember because your not thinkin about doing that but rather of what your walking to or w/e. No matter how hard i try i cannot remember to do an RC when i walk through a door however i always remember like 20 secs late once i pass it i say “Shit i forgot then do it”. Is there any other RC as good as this one but not as hard.
Plug your nose and breath in. If the air goes through you are dreaming. This can be done in public too, because it if fast.
This isn’t an RC - it’s an RC reminder.
I suggest marking your hand as a reminder. Write on it if you usually do, or just put a dot on in pen otherwise.
Count your fingers. Don’t just look at them, count 'em too.
Check a clock, look away, and check again…
Look in the Wiki Book in R3m0t’s sig for loads of different RC’s.
as for reminded, always take on whenever you wake up. Just in case your having a FA.
IZ wrote:
I suggest having several different targets to use as reminders. For example you might want to do a RC :
=> Every ½ hour or hour ( you could use an alarm or something to remind you)
=> Every time you light a cigaret ( for those who smoke)
=> every time you see (what ever)
I don’t think that any one reminder is harder than others. I know it is hard to remember to do them at first but, this does improve in time. Just stay patient with it and don’t give up. If you forget one, then just remind your self that you will not forget next time. Like anything else in time it will become a force of habit.
You might want to start out with picking a reminder that somehow reminds you of lucid dreaming. That might make it easier for you to remember to do them more consistently.
Good luck
Now don’t encourage them!
This one really helped for me. I used to write “RC” on my hand in tiny letters, and that was enough to draw my attention any time I looked down at the keyboard, or went to pick something up. I’m a bit of a clean-freak, so I’d always see this black mark on my hand and try briefly to rub it off – then I’d see what it was and remember to do an RC.
Remembering to do an RC when you walk through a door is a little harder, because there’s no part of that task which inherently reminds you about reality checks, or lucid dreaming.