on every attempt i have to walk through a wall/door etc, i come accross the same problem. i cant get my head through!!
I can pass my arms, legs etc through but not my head, its really wierd
Any tips on how to get a’head’ of this problem??
on every attempt i have to walk through a wall/door etc, i come accross the same problem. i cant get my head through!!
I can pass my arms, legs etc through but not my head, its really wierd
Any tips on how to get a’head’ of this problem??
I recommend that you simply walk through the wall as quickly as possible. Don’t be careful about it, since that will increase the opportunities for hitting the wall and feeling it as a solid object. If you walk through the wall quickly without thinking about hitting it, you will get through the wall before the dream reality has a chance to “respond”.
You could try to put your hands before your eyes, so you can’t see the wall. (Look who’s speaking… the wall bounced me back last time)
I’ve done this several times. The best thing to do is to just not think about it and do it. Just calmly walk through and you should come out on the other side easily. Of course, I’ve only tried this with thin walls and doors, so that may only work in those situations. I haven’t gotten around to walking through a bunker wall yet!
i had this very problem and made this very topic not too long ago, [url]walking through walls]
this is just my personal view - but since the concsciousness is seen as residing in the head this could be playing out in your subconscious. In effect you body can pass through the objects but your “consciousness” cannot.
As for tips to combat this - i have none to add that haven’t already been said.
Stop looking at the wall. I have a similar problem with mirrors (haven’t tried walls!)
I’ve never tried walking through walls in my few LDs yet, but sounds to me, in this case particuarly, that walking backwards through the wall might help.
I agree with Dark Matter that the head is where the conciousness is percieved as residing, and I would go further as to say this is particuarly the eyes, and that one’s sense of “I” is generally held here, since vision is most people’s primary sense. By walking backwards, you would not be looking at the wall, and you eyes, your sight, your conciousness would be the very last part to reach the wall. When you’re that far through I think it would be easier.
Just my 2 cents
cheers syphex, walking backwards through it sounds like a great idea, i have tried covering my eyes, but everytime i ever try this, everything changes.
Definatly gonna try the backwards thing , just not too good at ld’ing yet so might be a week before i get a chance
Ive doen that, at first it was kinda hard to go through it, so I had to really push myself, you’re right about the head, but I managed to get it inside, once i was in the wall, there was this really intense annoying noice like. “beeeeeeeeeep” pretty loud, so got myself out of there as fast as i could
walk through the wall to end up in this topic:
ld4all.com/forum/?https://www.ld4 … php?t=5256
that was on the other side of the wall.