moved from lounge to stuff forum
(NOT sure if this should be posted here but ill go with it)
Before i begin with this i feel that reading peoples personal experiences is far more beneficial then looking through google for solutions to this stuff. This feels alot more reliable being that real people are sharing their thoughts and such on a subject. This is more associated with sleeping habits and relaxing into sleep rather than trying to achieve lucidity (even though the last point does mention dream recall a bit). I put it in spoilers because i feel there is ALOT that i may end up typing.
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This field of lucid dreaming has motivated me to start putting myself to bed alot earlier (more or less 10:30PM). As opposed to last year where I’d put myself to bed at 12 or 1AM and have to wake up at 6. I normally got 3-6 hours of sleep and now that I’m trying to go to bed earlier to get more sleep. I usually dont fall asleep early at all, and when i wake up at night (not even necessarily after a dream) I take too long to fall back asleep. The end result is that i get as much sleep i got last year. Last night was the worst for me, in that i hardly fell asleep, feeling as if i only took short naps than went into actual deep sleep, and i woke up i think 2 or 3 times. I’m wondering if any of this is temporary as i try to adjust to the fact i can get more sleep (by going to bed earlier of course).
I also notice that even though my mind is clear of all stressful thoughts, I still cannot fall asleep. I often just lay there for 1 or 1&1/2, until i fall asleep. I wake up 3 or 4 hours later and still suffer this same issue, even though all i did was go up and go to the bathroom. No matter how much I clear my mind, relax myself, and just lay there, I simply take forever to fall asleep. Im curious to know about anything anyone else has done to effectively relax themselves and has(or still does) suffer(ed) from these same things.
This last thing is more dream recall related and is just something I’m simply curious about. I notice that when i am so dreadfully tired I feel as if i’ve had absolutely no dreams. Usually when i have those bad/no recall moments I at least know i had a dream. These situations where i feel as if i had no dreams have been happening so much since school has started. I’d like to know what peoples’ take on this is.