Want your thoughts on my lucid dreams/false awakenings pleas

This happens to me at about monthly since I started trying to do lucid dreams. It seems to be deliberate as well.

What it is, is my lucid dreams are almost always false awakenings these days. I have read articles where people say that LDs and FAs aren’t really quite the same thing, but in my case they are.

A couple of times I have managed to deliberately make myself have a false awakening and it’s pretty exciting. I find myself in a sleep parallesis and I know that if I relax I will do it. I then lift myself out of my sleeping body and find myself in my bedroom. When I say lift myself out of my body, I don’t mean that I think I am having OBEs. Not at all. It’s just a way to describe how it feels to me when I get up knowing that I am still asleep. I then do my reality check, which is always to look at my alarm clock and the numbers are never showing. After this I leave the bedroom and will look around the appartment a bit. This happened this morning. I went into the bathroom and my girlfriend was in there washing up. I explained to her that I was dreaming and she said so was she. I then did what I normally do at this point which is another RC. I always leave my appartment and then check the number. It should be 301 but it is always something different and it confirms again the dream. So I usually leave my building but then I find myself back in bed. In fact in this morning’s example, I am sure that towards the end of my little journey outside, I could feel myself being in bed before it ended.

So these are almost always false awakenings but they are lucid and I induce them with surprising ease. They always start in my bedroom though.

I’m interested in hearing thoughts from more experienced dreamers about my experiences, especially in that I have these lucid journey’s from my bedroom to the outside and they always happen in the same sort of way. I am in some control as well.

I read somewhere that, while FA’s are not necessarily LD’s, people who practice lucid dreaming are far more likely to have more false awakenings than non-lucid dreamers. I think of a false awakening as a sort of battle between the mind and body. The mind says, “Hey, this mental activity doesn’t belong here. You come with me, Rational, and you’ll be in a nice awake body where you belong.” But the body says, “Wait! Not done yet! Stay asleep!”

So they compromise. I found it very unnerving, at first.

But one low-level lucid dream, I initiated a false awakening as a teleportation technique. It was far more effective, and less risky, than any other teleportation techniques I’ve tried since then with higher-level lucidity. :happy:

I am always lucid when this happens though. And I am aware it is a dream. It is always a similar expereince though, which in itself may be good as it is consistent and I may be able to build on it.