Warm Milk

No. In fact those quantities probably wouldnt have much effect at all.

Nutmeg is a mild and long acting hallucinogen. It is toxic at about 7.5 grams. It produces hallucinations at 1gram, but usually takes 1-3 hours to take effect. It probably works because of that.
More info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutmeg#Risks_and_toxicity
I was on prozac for almost a year. I had almost no memories of dreams, and was often drowsy during the day, even causing me to fall asleep randomly in class and at other times, despite 8-10 hours of sleep. there is no reason to take it for ld.

I know milk is good for Ld’ing in general, is this the same for chocolate milk? I can’t stand normal milk :tongue:

Chocolate is supposed to help LDing, so it might, i’m not sure.

Seriously, chocolate contains some chemicals, as well as increases serotonin levels, which all help with dreaming. As for chocolate milk, well, I guess it would depend on the chocolate content. Whether it was real chocolate or just flavouring etc.

Ok, so I had warm milk with the honey, and it took me over an hour to get to sleep, and no LD. :eh:
I’m not going to try it again, at least not for a while :happy: