Was I Even Close?

So far this would be my 5th attempt at LDing. I have tried WILD, MILD, and a few of my own techniques. This time i decided to not say anything but think it (like saying “Im dreaming” in my head). I then tried to visuallize what i was doing but nothing would happen. It got realy realy frustrating because i would try this for 2 hours. And every time i visuallized something i would change it every 30-40 minutes almost without realising it. I t takes a long time for me to get to sleep when im thinking of one specific thing. Anyway, as i got more and more frustrated i decided to just try and go to sleep. As i was trying to sleep for some reason i guess i decided to think of an idea and as i was doing this nothing was happening but out of no where i heard a huge sound. I could only describe it as a big spring or something related. I didn’t even expect it so it made me jump and i almost fell out of my bed. I looked around and tried to realize what happened and where the sound came from. I can say that i didn’t “hear” it with my ears. It seemed like it was in my head. Was i even close to having a LD? If it was i think i have to stay more focused and not let things freak me out to much. I forgot what i was thinking about when it happened.

Sounds to me like it was a HH.

when you say it’s your fifth atempt at LD’ing - do you mean your fifth day or the fifth time you’ve started to practice again?
Cos it really does take (for most people) longer than five days. And I’d say stick with the same tech for at least two weeks before giving up on it.