I know the typical answer to this question but i dont even know if i was dreaming. hears what happened:
i went to bed and since i naturally wake up between dreams, I was able to try the WBTB technique about 6 hours into my sleep cycle. When I went back to bed I repeated a mantra to keep me focused and attempt WILD and MILD as a back up. I start my dream with a false awakening and remember thinking to myself that this is too real to be a dream (i was wrong) so i dont preform a reality check. i continue with the non lucid dream. This next part is where i’m uncertain what happened. when i “woke up” (i’m not really sure if it was a false awakening or not) i was virtually paralyzed. I thought to my self that this could be a false awakening so i attempt to do a reality check by looking at my hands. With effort (i’m basically paralyzed) i manage to look at my hands and i have trouble keeping my eyes open and it appears as if my hands are transparent. its like a ghostly image of my hands. I decide i might be dreaming and since im virtually paralyzed i imagine myself floating to try to get on with a lucid dream. It doesnt work. All of a sudden I wake up (defiantly for real) and am not paralyzed anymore.
Cant decide if it was a really bad and short false awakening that led to a lucid dream or just sleep paralysis . It only lasted for about 30 seconds.
I’ve never had a lucid dream yet but i’ve been trying for 24 nights. I tried the WBTB the day before also and had also had a false awakening at the beginning and end of my dream. so i figure the WILD technique is fit for me over the MILD. Any thoughts or suggestions?