Hi, ive had a few lucid dreams before, but last night,i awoke lookin at my arms and thinking they were someone elses cos i couldnt feel them for a few seconds! i was really scared someone was in my bed! dus this mean i was paralyed? as that night i had a few LD dreams?PLease help !!!
It sounds more like you were just coming out of SP, but you were not completely paralyzed. It is normal, completely harmless and nothing to worry about.
Happy dreaming
I think milod789 has answered your question perfectly.
You also have the right idea that the presence you sensed was yourself. It can feel like another person, and can sometimes seem bad or evil, but it is just your own body.
Your were paralysed if you couldn’t move. If you culdn’t feel them, then it might just mean your arms where numb?
Of coarse both Milod and Da are more experinced then me, so… and I’ve never actually experinced SP before.
I hope you’re no more paralyzed !
It happend to me sometimes ( two or three times ) : I wake up and I cannot move an arm. It is very strange because I wanted to move it, and it didn’t respond at all, like a latex arm.
I’ve always supposed that it was because my head was laying on it, stopping the blood circulation. But I am perhaps wrong ?
I had the exact same experience some nights ago.
It was a little bit scary…
I have woken up a few times and not been able to move my arm. But I think that that’s from the fact that I have been sleeping on my arm and not from SP.
It’s quite freaky when it happens, but it’s only that the doesn’t get any blood since you’ve been sleeping on it. Atleast I’m pretty sure that what it is.
If it happens try pinching your arm, you won’t feel anything if you’ve been sleeping on it for long enough. My friend told me once that he somehow had been sleeping on both his arms and when he woke up he couldn’t move either of his arms. It took him a while to get out of his bed