Was that a LD or just my vivid imagination?

Hello everyone.
Im here to ask a question that troubled my mind the other day. It was Monday between noon and afternoon and i lied on my bed for my usual relaxation while listening to a few good songs. After 10 minutes other so i felt my eyelids become heavier and heavier to the point i couldn’t hold myself awake anymore, so i fell asleep .3-5 minutes other later i woke up and checked the hour on my phone. I tried to imagine scenarios and such in order to fall back asleep. And so it happened. A minute or so later my imaginative scene started tote more realistic, more vivid until it became so vivid that i thought this must a dream for sure. The moment i thought about it i rushed to do things just to make the dream turn into a LD . I forced my DCs to speak to me and moments later i was flying over the city but as soon as i did so , the dream started to feel less vivid and somehow i started to feel the external disturbance in the realworld more and more to the point that it felt like imagine half awake and half lucid dreaming. It looked like as it was an extremevivid imagery or a poor dream where i could do things. Then i woke up. It had passed 10 minutes since i fell asleep . My questions are : was that a LD or an intense imagery . I thought LDs occur during the REM cycles. Was i in REM stAte? How long does it take for one to enter the REM cycle after falling asleep ?

Hi, and welcome to LD4all! :cool:

This does sound like a LD to me, more specifically a WILD. It is usually far easier to WILD in a nap or in the morning than early in the night, because the REM phase is so much closer to the actual falling asleep time. What you describe is very close to what my own WILDs feel like.