I dreamt I was pregnant (no reflection on current condition or activities!) and I didn’t want to be, and I realised I was only 14. So I wasn’t pregnant any more. I sort of made myself…unpregnant.
Is this a step on the right path towards lucid dreaming?
you were close, this time when anything seems not right you have to do reality check.
do RC regulary in your awaking state.
good luck.
Yes it’s a good sign! If you do RCs during the day, you can increase your critical sense, which is necessary to become lucid. A healthy criticism towards the strange events happening in dreams is the most important factor which triggers lucidity.
u should start doing rc’s irl. the point is that you start doing them automatically, when you are put in a given situation. if for example you do a rc every time you go through a door irl, then eventually, you will start doing that in your dreams.
just remember to do several different rc’s. sometimes a rc won’t work, and it may be that a particular rc doesn’t work with you. if you do two or three different ones, then you should be safe. but u shouldn’t think that a rc won’t work if it fails once. if it fails once, then that doesn’t mean anything. i can vouch for that.
just remember to have a clear mind, and be focused on the goal, not the obstacles.
Yay! Thank you for your advice, I’ll start reality checking all the time! (I just got stung by a wasp. Ow. )
Lucy xxx