I was napping this morning, and I don’t think I ever actually fell asleep. But I kept having really long dreamlike thingys that I don’t think were quite dreams even though they had a definate storyline. ANd for some reason they were longer than my dreams. ^.^ heh
It seems as if what you were seeing was HH. I experience this sometimes when I take a light nap in math class. It is possible that you did fall asleep, though, and just forgot about it.
I have these all the time. When I am really drowsy, my mind drifts off and I forgot where I am.
I remember one time while doing WILD counting. I saw a lot of terrorists standing on a single line, and I was counting them. Then I thought that I did not need all these terrorists and I had to figure out how many I was going to keep. After a lot of thinking I figured out I needed twenty of them. “Twenty!” I sad loud with my inner voice. “Twenty what? What am I doing???” I realised I had been lying in bed all along
If this is somewhat like what you experienced, I don’t think it was HH. It’s more like a semi-dream state, somewhere between waking and sleeping.
Recently I had a dream where I saw lots of people at home, and I said (within the dream) these are HH… (without realising it was a dream!)
Yah when im really drowsy i have these alot. Lol one time while reading in my bed, i was very tired, and it said something like “Then he lost his balence and fell” and i put myself in that positoin and i like kicked my legs as a reflex lol, i had the sensation i was kinda falling, it also gave me some adreniline. Very weird. Another time, while falling asleep i was like reading something in my minds eye…
still they can be quiet amusing some times
Yeah I’d say they were HH. I always recognize HH because they give me completely different sensations than LDs. Hard to describe… but it feels like HH are much more unreal and strange/creepy than LDs while still being very realistic…
I had one a few days ago… I was laying on my grandmothers couch (had to stay there for a few hours) I had no intentions of going to sleep. I drifted off, apparently. My mind went into a strange state, some sort of adventure dream. I was probably there for about 5 minutes in that state. I suddenly had a kind of “Snap out of it!!” moment and opened my eyes. Next thing I knew, I forgot what I was thinking about, other than it was some sort of adventure where I was trying to accomplish something. Im sure I wasnt asleep though.
It is very strange. I’ve had more! They seem way way longer than my dreams, or I at least remember alot more of them. Is very strange, because I feel like it is a dream but I’m only half in it. Thats why I asked. ^.^
Aren’t the HH when you are awake after a night’s sleep, and you see things…
Or was that HI?
I’m getting the two mixed up probably!
I can’t remember ever having anything like this. Do you have control like in ld’s?
They disappear quickly… not too much to control…
HA! I often take long bus rides going to my university, sometimes, my journeys take up to 75 minutes. This is exactly what happens in my bus naps, perhaps this is due to the fact that I must be aware not to miss my station.
Most times the shaking of the trip makes me dream of horseriding, or bike riding. But the memories are missed very easily.
Clark, I think that is a HI you are talking about…
Ive only had that one that I can remember
My subconscious seemed to have taken over, and I was thinking in an adventure, it seemed gibberish though. Maybe the dream was faster than my sleepy consciousness so I couldnt keep up? Either way, I cannot remember.
hold on. They are not too short to control. Mine were way longer than NDs. ^.^
An adventure?
No, it’s not an image I’m talking about. I’m talking
about a fully animated object which you see after you awaken… I haven’t seen any in the past couple of months or so actually.
I see them in my room after I wake up. There is no paralysis involved when this happens to me. I’m sure it’s a form of the latter. It doesn’t last long, just a few seconds.
web4health.info/en/answers/sleep … halluc.htm
From a site:
Hypnagogic Hallucination occurs when the dreaming mind intertwines with the waking mind. This can occur on waking (Hypnapomic Hallucination) or at sleep onset (Hypnagogic Hallucination)