Hi … i just read something about lucid dreams in another forum and was kind of interested. After thinking about it and visiting this page here i am pretty sure that i have been lucid for several times, and many of the examples like flying and the techniques (wonder how to write it g) to do it seem well known to me … but i never really tried to become lucid by myself , it just happened. I remember 3 or 4 dreams this year where i surely was lucid and i also remember most of the dreams i had during the last days.
After reading the first pages here i was a bit scared caus this whole nightmarething does not sound that nice … especially when you start reading about lucid dreams at half past midnight Never the less , i couldnt stop thinking about it. Here in germany we currently have holidays and as every morning , i kept sleeping today until 10 or 11 am. With one difference from the last days : I woke up from some ... hmm , kind of nightmare. It was not especially bad, but a dream in which you are chased by someone you dont like … bla … hmm. But it was not a dream that would make you wake up and scream for a minute. Anyway , somewhere in this dream i realised it wasn`t a dream and woke up. Just to make this clear : This is not what i understand in lucid dreams, its not even that i had the opinion to go on sleeping or not (at least i guess so) , i just realised it was a dream , looked at it for a few seconds and then it was gone.
Ok, so i lay in bed and asked myself what do to at half past 8. Why not try this lucid dream thing ? I tried to remember some of the scenes of this dream and they were pretty clear. Do you know this feeling when you want to think of something and it always fades away in seconds ? This happened the first time i wanted to think of the dream, but the next time the pictures stayed in mind and i could make them move a bit , say something and so one. But i was awake , or somewhere between being awake and sleeping … I dunno how to say it but it was more than being awake and thinking about something. I saw everything from the sky and thought of this tip to spin around … and everything suddenly got a bit foggy … it also “felt” different and my heart was beating kind of fast. Well , i think after this i made this mistake to want it too much and suddenly i dould not concentrate any more …
For one more time this morning i could repeat to try it and get somewhere between dreaming and being awake , as written above.But i never got absolutely lucid. Now i`d like to know wether this is the right way to do it or not. To me it seems to be right and it did not feel as if i or my brain tried to fake it …
I hope my english is not too bad and i anyone understands what i`ve written and what i mean , it would be nice to post some statements about it
Just found another way to discribe this “between it” feeling : The first time we had a one week holiday in school and everybody slept in the same room, someone said “Try to find this point where you begin to sleep by concentrating on beginning to sleep and not thinking about anything else” We had much fun doing it and this was somehow like today, only without trying to get lucid after it.
Nice to welcome another guest from germany on this forum
I am 17 and from Stuttgart,but since you are in holidays already you live somewhere else?
I can´t give you advise about your LD techniques,since i “only” have DILDs,not WILDs (That means that i am realizing that i am dreaming within the dream,not entering the dream without ever loosing counciousness)
But what you described seems good to me,i think that was quite close.Techniques are helpfull,but don´t care too much about them.Just do it your own way as long as it is fun.
Oh yes,the dream were you realized that you are dreaming an then woke up:That was a lucid dream.A short one,but i am quite sure that you really were lucid.
About the nightmare thing:
As a child nightmares were my trigger to induce lucidity,this is how i learned it.They just scared me so much that i had to “escape”.Then i forgot about it,and when i was 16 or something i read about lucid dreaming and started it again.Since then,i didn´t had one single nightmare that was really scary.Some dreams weren´t that nice,but i never was really frightened.Now,like some other people,i almost wished i had more nightmares.There was even a discussion how to get them.
So,i don´t think you will have problems with nightmares when you do lucid dreaming
Most of my experiences (if not all except the one this morning) with LD have also been DILDs i guess , cause i never tried to achieve this state before. Meaning i knew that there were these dreams where you know youre dreaming, but i never thought i could try to have them more often. It was just a nice thing i had more or less often. This WILD method was the first thing i thought of when waking up after this dream. I did not try this "look at your hands" method for example before, simply because i was a bit too frightened when i read about it for the first time while everything was dark ... i even tried to switch on the light several times while reading this page , just to be sure i am _not_ dreaming. Call me paranoid, but i am a bit childish in such situations (BTW : I am also 17 ...) I think now that i had some kind of LD Ill try this DILD method … seems much easier to me, its pretty hard trying to sleep and thinking of LDs ... and it disappears too fast if youre succesfull. [break]user is looking at his hands questioning himself "am i dreaming ? g[/break]
And about nightmares : That was what i meant. The dream was not nic , but it was not that kind of dream that would make you wake up at 3 am , not being able to find sleep anymore.