Hello, this is my first post. I’ve been using a digital watch lately (2 days) and doing an RC everytime I become aware of my watch and im wondering if anyone has tried it for themselves if not im concerned because a random told me on another forum (Which I left) that doing “random RC’s” don’t carry over to dreams. what does anyone think?
I’ve had 11 lucid dreams I’ve ruined a few of them by trying advanced dream magic, heh. although, ive had a dry spell for a month despite my dedication and WBTBs what direction should I move? thank you who reads.
I don’t use the watch RC personally because I’m not always wearing a watch in my dreams, but I’ve heard of people who have had success with it. It would be even better to use it in combination with another reality check, such as the nose plug.
It’s not exactly true that random reality checks don’t carry over, it’s just more likely for RCs that you put a lot of thought and attention into to carry into your dreams. This is why I normally do a nose plug RC combined with the finger through palm RC, and then take it a step further by going over the last few hours in my head to make sure the current situation makes logical sense in relation to where I’ve just been. (For example, have there been any weird gaps in time or location, etc. ?) It’s not entirely necessary to do all of this, but it helps a lot.
It sounds like you’re on the right path. Don’t worry too much about your dryspell; they all end eventually and even really experienced LDers get them. You might want to try a new technique such as MILD to change it up a bit. Just keep at it and I’m sure you’ll do fine. Good luck!
Ok, thanks ma’am. I will keep doing WBTB everyday.