Ways to defeat dream monsters

I wonder how long it will be until the seal is broken :tongue:

Oh, the last monster dream I had, Aragorn came in and killed him for me.

Same. :content: I think it all depends on how you look at things, you could look at a monster as, “Oh, no! A monster, it’s going to kill me! RUN!” Or you could look at it as an adventure and have some fun with it, knowing that you’re going to defeat it. Usually any dreams I have with baddies, (not necessarily “monsters”, bad people usually) have some sort of storyline that I just go along with so it plays out like an action movie. It’s fun using various powers to defeat them, once you know that you know that they can’t hurt you for real, it makes all the difference in the world, you just have to keep telling yourself that. It may help to recruit some DC’s to assist you, though. If there’s a large amount of enemies I’ll usually team up with DC’s and we fight them together, it’s great fun. :ebil: Good luck!

Dag nabbit! I had the first nightmare in a while because of this topic! :grrr:

…But that’s cool, 'cause I like nightmares. :grin:

Shame I didn’t get lucid and fled like a pansy. :sad:

To actually contribute to this topic:

–Get a big ol’ club and smack 'em around a bit. :truit:

–Stuff them in a locker like a school bully. :ebil:

–Eat them! :wolfbite:

It’s great fun, I was about to get chased by a bear in my LD last night, so instead, I thrust out the palms of my hands in it’s direction, sent huuuge waves of energy at it and yelled: “STOP!”

Hehe, it whined and moaned for a while before lying down and going to sleep… :tongue:

Twas fun.

I haven’t really destroyed monsters conciously in my dreams, but here’s a few suggestions:
-If you’re good at shapeshifting, turn into a ferocious animal of your choice. Best on the smaller monsters, but if they’re big you can just make yourself bigger!
-Run towards it if you’re running away. Show you are bold. It just might turn it into something harmless.
-Two words: energy blasts.
-If all else fails, command it to disappear!