WBTB cause Insomnia?

Hi. Just wondering…can The WBTB method cause Insomnia?

I dont see how.

well it affects your sleeping pattern

it fucks me up sometimes…

yes but how badly?

Doesn’t affect me :smile:.

If you don’t fall asleep easily (which can be harder in the morning hours), you shouldn’t be awake for too long for the WBTB. Also, it might be best to spend the time awake in a darkened place, as bright light could make you subconsciously think that you should get up now.

I sometimes have difficulties getting back to sleep, but I haven’t noticed it affecting my ability to get sleep in the evening. Then again, I don’t do WBTB every night, but something like three nights a week.

If you fear you will not sleep after WBTB it will probably happen. If you are relaxed about it you should fall asleep in no time. Somehow the mind works opposite to our thoughts sometimes. That’s also why for some people WILD is very hard.