The WBTB method is precious to me. Without out it I would be Lucidless. I get up about two in the morning, and surf this website for 45 minuets. I then spend a boring 15 minuets thinking through what I will do and inspiring myself. I then let my mind wander so I start to dream.
So I did this, and started to have a dream. I quikly relized I was in a dream, and tried to spin to “ground” (Stabalize) the dream. But then I woke up. I then had another dream, relized I was dreaming quikly and awoke.
I finally got into a dream where I relized that my old English teacher (who was telling me off) wasn’t teaching me anymore. I became Lucid, but the exitment I got from relizing this made me run uncontrolably. I struggled to remain calm. I tried to put my finger through the wall. I couldn’t get it to go through.
My questions are:
Why can’t I get my hand hrough the wall? Do you have to will it to go through? I managed it in my last lucid dream.
Do any of you find that the MILD method makes you wake up?
Sorry this was longer than nessasary.
I often walk through walls as like a ray of light passes through a glass window. I do it by making myself empty…suggestion of emptyness…
no density…so really an empty feeling of my dreambody.
But just making my hand empty also works and then i can stick it through anything. But you have to associate it…suggest it…not jsut wanting it.
Mild doesnt wake u up its probably the excitement, it will go away after a while probably. There are several techniques to stabilise a LD also, like spinning and rubbing your hand or focussing on certain objects etc.
As corny as it may sound use a Matrix philosophy.
There is no spoon. Convince yourself that you are dreaming so that it doesnt exist so there fore it isn’t tehre so there fore you can put your hand through it.
man thats a lot of there fores