If I want to do WBTB but won’t have enough time for the full first six hours of sleep before waking, is there a lesser amount that will still work? Thank you and sorry if this has already been posted…
I believe as long as you wake up from REM sleep you can do WBTB successfully.
How long is that exactly? I forgot.
I think 45 minutes is the minimum it takes, but I’m not sure.
Ok. Thanks Mew!
According to sleep cycle charts, we don’t just plunge into REM. It’s going to come in waves, we get a light sleep, then a deep sleep, then come out of the deep sleep a little, then come into a much deeper sleep than the first… I’ve begun to notice and remember when I even wake up. I’m presuming that it’s just a few seconds and then, because waking up is part of the cycle, I naturally go back to sleep and am supposed to forget that I did. Now I make myself get a glass of water to drink when that happens, and while it hasn’t made me lucid, it hasn’t given me insomnia either. That waking usually happens 3 hours in, and I do believe that would certainly count as a WBTB.
Thanks for the feedback EllyEve!
I use 4,5 hour most of the time. 3 hours can also work but usually results in short lucid dreams and a lower successrate
It goes in and out at different points, I think there should be a chart of the different times at which it is activated if you search online (maybe Wikipedia?). Most people aim for the longest point of REM sleep to wake up, as you are more likely to not miss the time period that way, so to speak. But you can make it at any time if you just time it successfully. It all depends on how fast you are able to fall asleep (if you’re like me it takes an hour or so to pass out- WBTB doesn’t work well for me for such reasons).