When I tried WBTB I either couldn´t fall asleep for some time after getting up, or I didn´t even get up and returned to sleep immediatly.
So, this variation might work for people who can´t fall asleep easily.
First, make sure you can sleep long the next day, and go to sleep early.
Set your music alarm clock (if you have one) for perhaps 2-3 hours after falling asleep.If the thought that you have to fall asleep fast keeps you awake, no problem, just set the clock for 4h from now on, so you got 2 hours for falling asleep.
When the music wakes you up you should try to stay motionless (like the chaining technique) but that isn´t necessary.Concentrate on the music, like doing MWILD.
If you suceed to MWILD, fine.I never did though, and if you are one of thos persons who have problems falling asleep, you will probably lie there for 20 minutes, in a state between sleep and waking world.
When you start to dislike the music because it keeps you from falling asleep, turn it off.
Now you should fall asleep quickly, remember the next dreams more easily, and are more likely to get lucid.I think this is cause you somehow aren´t sleeping so “deep” anymore, it is more like the kind of sleep you have in the morning hours, but whole night long! If you wake up several times this night for no apparent reason, this is a good sign.
This mixture of different techniques has already helped me a lot.I think the most important point is finding a method that allows you to remain in a sleepy state but keeps you from actually falling asleep.