There has really been some bad storms, and earthquakes hapaning all over the world. I wonder if it has anything to do with the enlighnment of the planets, and Dec 21, 2012?
Mother Nature have been very violent lately in the year of 2005, yes.
So what would it take to get humans to stop destroying mother nature? I dont think we ever will, and thats sad.
Well, scientists have found a way to tame hurricanes now.
…Now we can continue distroying the world, while taming the negative effects it has on our planet. Smoke em if ya got em.
Didnt we just have the exact same discussion?
And by the way, we have less earthquakes today than in the past… The average occurance of storms are really not more often than before either. The difference is that more people live more concentrated today and also more people live in hurricane affected areas than before. Also media loves to write about this stuff, as it sells newspapers…
It is not just the frequency of storms but our ecosystem as a hole. I do believe in global warming and I watched the movie the day after tomorrow. I thought the movie was an exaggeration and something that is not likely to happen in our life time. But the weather over the last couple of years makes me reconsider. There are just too many things happening all at once to simply be a coincidence or part of some natural cycle. There are the storms and earthquakes of course, but we also have strange flue’s, I just heard that Mt. St. Helens is acting up and yellow stone is also heating up. When I look at this trend it does make me worry.
Oh well it does make this life alot more enteresting. The story of moving from no to yes.
There definitely seems to be a warming trend, but it is really hard to say if this caused by humans and if it is only temporarely change. But this is not the first time this has happened at all, and the average temp of earth was higher than it is now some million years ago.
Volcano eruptions decline as well, as the earth core is slowly cooling down… This is a very slow change though…
I think we have more to fear from future wars and epedemies…
A warming trend doesn’t matter anywa…in fact, I’d go on to say it’s both natural and benificial.
We’re on our way out of an ice age, its natural that the average global tempurature is going up. Also, as life goes on on this planet, our carbon sinks beome depleated…that means the carbon on our plante gets used up…and thats what plants need to live, and we need plants to live. Burning fossol fuels releases more carbon into the air, which replenishes the dwindling carbon supply.
Now, I’m not saying we should go out and pollute the planet and everything, we should just try to see this from an objective point of view.
Well, humanity IS a great biospherical and geological power now, so, however small the changes we could do seemed to be, they can be critical. Ice ages are characteristic of the climate of our planet for the last period, it went several times this way: very warm -> very cold, and I believe the events like in “the day after tomorrow” are quite possible, though, maybe, not in such dramatic way.
Simply the world have been going through an infinite loop of change on many aspects of the atmosphere. Im not sure if it’s because of adaptation to new enviroment of different factors or because it’s gonna cycle each period of time.
Tropical storm Alpha has just formed and the weather people are saying that it is expected to turn into another major hurricane! We ran out of names and are now switching to the Greek alphabet. This has never happened before! It is certainly a possible indication that this is more than just some natural cycle.
You know back in the 80’s we all feared nuclear weapons. I worked with a woman that said back then she walked around with sionide (sp) tablets in her pocket in case we were bombed. She didn’t want to live through this.
Natural disasters are a phobia of mine. IMO, they are happening with more severity than before. Maybe Tomas is right saying that humans are populating areas that are prone to these hits. i.e. Tornado Alley.
I believe that earthquake that happened about a year ago that devastated the mideast I believe (feel free to help me out) The one that was so large that NASA said affected the earth’s rotation by a fraction of a second. I believe that contributed to a lot of what’s going on today. If something was that potent to affect the earth’s rotation even by that small of a measurement HAS to have some sort of effect.
Recorded history only goes back so far.
The only reason this has never happened before is because the last time it happened no one was keeping track with the alphabet